Lately the vibes have been off with my old friends and it hurts a lot and I know the eventual thing is to move on and not force anything, especially when I’ve been with them for so long and I’m trying my hardest to keep up our connections and bond but I’m getting tired. I don’t mind moving on BUT im scared the new friends I’ll make will just end up leaving me too.

So im trying to also find comfort in being alone but I naturally like being around people and really cherish friendships. I don’t think I can bear it if my new friends and I drift apart too. But maybe it’s different when you’re an adult and working? Because everyone’s so busy and it’s harder to make friends along with having more established identities and boundaries it’ll be easier to meet people like me who want lifelong friendships?

TLDR; Trying to move on from old friends but the big fear is that new friends will drift apart too and I really hate being abandoned.

1 comment
  1. Accept that everyone will leave at some point (as everyone dies at some point). So try to live more in the present and enjoy/cherish the stuff you did instead of grieving stuff you might not do.

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