I mean I don’t know because some say hi to me and I say back hi, but sometimes some does not.

  1. Not always. It’s generally polite if you run into someone you know or are arriving to meet a person/people (such as at a meeting or restaurant), but you certainly don’t need to greet every random person you see.

  2. It’s sort of regional. Most of the time, where I live, it’s more of a simple acknowledgment.

  3. It varies from person to person in my experience. I have a lot of coworkers I interact with when I go into the office, and probably about 20% of them don’t say hi when they first see me and the rest do say hi. I think in Midwestern culture it’s very mildly rude to not say hi to someone you know, but it’s not rude enough where it’s going to cause any problems for anyone.

  4. If you make eye contact with someone as they pass, smile a little and give a little nod. If you don’t make eye contact, just walk.

    If someone says hi, say hi back.

    If they don’t, don’t.

  5. You don’t need to say anything to anyone. If someone says hi to you then it’s polite to respond back, otherwise just go about your day.

  6. If they don’t say hi back it’s rude. It might mean they don’t like you.

    If they are just distracted it’s OK.

  7. Yes. If you don’t say hi that person is legally allowed to punch you in the face. 😑

  8. Alaska, you give the “straight-faced nod” acknowledgment. No more, no less.

  9. I don’t know, it depends on the the situation. If you are just passing by someone you might give a half wave and a nod of your head with a “hey” or “how’s it goin”. Maybe I am just a fish in water, but I don’t even know how to actually explain my internal algorithm when it comes to these sorts of things. It’s really not something I think about, I just do it.

  10. Depends is that person about to start a conversation with you? Probably. Is it a general hi to a room? No

  11. How ya doin?!

    No not necessary. If outside – a nod will suffice most of the time, with a slight pull back of the lips to express your peaceful intention OF COURSE. But not necessary.

  12. No. And depending on how urban where you are is, that would be jarring

  13. It’s America, you don’t have to say Hi to anyone if that’s what you feel like doing lol.

  14. It isn’t required but in my area most people will greet people when they pass you or respond to your greeting.

  15. It depends on what you’re both doing. When I get to work, I’ll usually say hi to the room in general, and one or two people will answer. That’s fine. If I bump into someone in the hall, I’d expect them to say hi back, but a nod is fine if they’re busy.

  16. I’m in New England and some ppl say hi at work when they pass and some see you coming and become very interested in the wall and ceiling. It’s like it’s painful to say hi. So i say hi to the ones who like it and smile at the ones who don’t. It’s a pretty introverted area. I’m an introvert, but not as introverted as that!

    Usually an interaction starts with a hi. Like if you go into a small store often you are greeted or you get the person at the register. At the grocery store, ‘hi’ often starts off the interaction

  17. You don’t have to say hi, but if someone who makes eye contact with you either just give them a nice nod and a smile or say hi. It’s just polite

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