If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would you be?

  1. I would be either Camila Mendes or Kat Dennings. I find both of them so beautiful.

    Camila’s face is so perfect. Every feature compliments each other, and her hair is so pretty. Her eyes have that siren look. She has great eyebrows too. Also since she’s Brazilian, I’d like to explore Brazil and see all the tourist attractions.

    Kat is so classically beautiful. She’d fit right in with the actresses of the golden age of hollywood. Her figure is my dream body. She also has very striking eyes. They’re big and a beautiful shade of blue-green. Sometimes, they’re more blue or green, depending on the makeup colors. She has a great career, and she’s so funny and quirky, and I’d love to see what her work days are like as well as her average days.

  2. Alexandra Daddario, she seems so down to earth, friendly and I find her drop dead gorgeous. Plus I have the same first name as her XD!

    If I were to be a man though, I would pick either JungKook or Henry Cavil. More so Jungkook because I for some reason I find him stunning.

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