Let’s say (hypothetical) there’s a video game. A good one, that was created a long time ago and was beloved by players and became cultural. And then somebody made a remake, such a horrible, that it made it fans cry. And then let’s say some game designer from Russia (not me, it just my dream, lol) desired to make another remake, as he sees it, and it looks really good, but everybody understands that it violates copyright etc. But since he is from Russia (sanctions, broken business ties etc), he doesn’t give a shit about that and can say loudly “Yes, I have (…) it, so what”. So how to express that phrase?)

  1. Jacked, ganked, finessed.. there are tons of ways to say this in English but none of them are particularly rude or powerful or insulting (at least, none that I can think of at the moment)

    I don’t think there’s a direct equivalent in English as what you’re describing and we’d use other words alongside stealing to make it rude

  2. Hmmm. I can’t think of a *truly* rude way to say this, but I might be wrong.

    A common, relatively intense synonym for “to steal” is “to rip off” which is the sort of thing you’d say in anger about (for example) a dishonest business – they ripped me off! Or if you feel like someone charged you an unfair fee you’d say “that was a rip off!”

  3. Do you mean a synonym? If you really want to emphasize that someone has done something wrong you might say they “thieved”, but that’s pretty rare in everyday language.

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  5. We don’t really have a curse word for it, it’s just that some words are not nice to say to someone.

    To steal/cheat:

    * Con – You conned me! – This is a con!
    * Got – Someone stole his wallet when he left it on the counter, he got got.
    * Cheat – You cheated me! – You’re a cheat!
    * Swindle – I’ve been swindled!

    We commonly compare people to animals:

    * Snake – Liar, betrayal
    * Rat – Thief, liar, selfish
    * Weasel – Liar, avoiding responsibility/consequences.

    There are a bunch of idiomatic phrases as well:

    * They were *taken to the cleaners* = Someone stole everything from them.
    * They’re *taking me for a ride* = They’re lying to me.
    * They *pulled a fast one* on me = They tricked me and got away before I noticed.
    * They’re *stringing me along* = I’m pretty sure they are lying, but I am still going along with it.

    You could use “So I have stolen it, so what?” in English, too. The only similar responses I can think of are:

    Person 1: You stole that from me!

    Person 2: …and?


    Person 1: You stole that from me!

    Person 2: What else is new?

  6. Purloined,


    taken liberties to acquire,

    acquired it through my… peculiar means (I assume someone is twirling a mustache while saying this),



    peculated (though this is more like embezzling or an inside job)

    I think maybe instead of “cursive” you mean “baroque” but I kind of like the phrase “in the most cursive way possible” because it is understandable but I don’t believe I have heard anyone in the US use “cursive” that way.

  7. Depends.

    Are you saying the Russian developer in this case is the hero saving the quality of the game? And he’s the one saying, “Yes, I have_____ it!”

    So, he’s making a triumphant, victorious statement? He’s bragging?

    I don’t think we have an exact word that’s equivalent.

    We would probably just say, “Yeah, I’m stealing it. Get fucked.”

    “Get fucked,” is a vulgar slang way of saying “lol I don’t care. What are you going to do about it?”

    Fuck is a curse word though.

    Other ways:

    “Get wrecked.”


  8. > But since he is from Russia (sanctions, broken business ties etc), he doesn’t give a shit about that and can say loudly “Yes, I have (…) it, so what”. So how to express that phrase?)

    A simple and direct “I fucking stole it” works. [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdH3Vi8buDU).

  9. Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.


    If you improved upon the original, you wouldn’t have anyone mad at you I don’t think.

  10. I’m not sure English has what you’re looking for. We don’t have anything like mat’ where you can derive any sort of word from one of the vulgar ones — I can’t think of anything like пиздить (that can mean to steal, right?) for example.

    The best you could probably do here is like “yeah I ripped this game off, go fuck yourself” or something lol.

  11. I think what you are looking for is “I fucked/screwed you (over)!” This basically means that you stole from them knowingly and they can’t do anything out it.

    Or to quote There Will Be Blood: “I drink your milkshake”

  12. He bootlegged it. Created a cheap, inferior, knockoff like great grandaddy did in Soviet times.

  13. I mean, if you’d seriously expect no legitimate repercussions and you’re goal is to make someone angry, agree with them when they say you plagiarized it. There’s nothing more annoying to people than a good old fashioned implication of “Yes [and there’s nothing you can do about it].”

    That said, I assume the scenario here is that you’d be making a more “true to form” remake of the original, at which point a large portion of the power behind any statement you could make is backed up by the fanbase.

  14. F!@k. It’s the universal, wildcard curse word in English.

    “They f**ked me!”

  15. I mean… if you want to be MAXIMALLY OFFENSIVE you would say “Yeah, I gypped it.” But, uh… don’t. Gyp is a slur against the Romani.

    If I were in your shoes I would say something like “Yeah, I stole it. I don’t give a shit. Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.”
    It’s not offensive in terms of cursing, but you will absolutely piss off anyone you say this to.

  16. We don’t really have a rude or vulgar way of saying to steal.

    The best I could think of is kife

    Kife is a slang word for steal that could be described as rude or vulgar.

    If you’re going for rude/offensive though, don’t use formal grammar. You’ll sound silly.

    Also when in doubt, add “fucking” as an adverb and you’ve automatically made it rude.

    So in your example “Yeah, I fucking kifed your shit, so what?”

    Kife is not as common anymore though so probably would be better off just saying “yeah I fucking stole your _____, so what?”

  17. I think English doesn’t have a word like you’re looking for. Rather you’d do it by being ironically verbose/polite about it, or via being blatantly coy about it, or otherwise making it clear that yes, you have it, you’re making no secret of it, and are putting up the barest pretense that you didn’t steal, thus acknowledging that you know you did something technically wrong and *don’t care*.

    “Oh, that, I *aquired* it”. “Oh, that *fell off a truck*”.

    You see that with the ROM community some, tangent to your premise; ROM-hacks are distributed via patches that can be applied to a ROM, because the *patch* can be legally distributed but the base ROM is protected under copyright. So the joke is that you take the patch and apply it to your “legally aquired” (wink wink, nudge nudge) copy of the ROM.

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