What’s your favorite method of flirting?

  1. Stare at her intensely and lick my lips while I’m have that over-caffeinated shaky-twitchy thing going on with my face and breathe heavily.

  2. Scream as loud as I can early in the morning. Oh wait…I forgot to log into my bird alt before typing this.

  3. Serious answer depends on the vibe and energy of the person I’m flirting with and how they respond when progressing with flirting. I usually start with some casual teasing and banter good jumping off point from knowing someone after a couple days enough to know what humor they’d find on and where you need to draw a line that you don’t accidentally cross and hurt they’re feelings or make them think your just an ass. Fine line between being funny and poking fun and being an ass gotta walk it carefully.

  4. Teasing with light and occasional blatant sexual innuendo followed by physical touch and then playful rejection. Repeat.

    Push-pull push-pull leads to in-out in-out.

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