I’m 27M and while having sex with my gf (25F) I ejaculated inside her without even realizing it. I only realized I ejaculated when I noticed I’m going soft and she said she felt cum inside her. After that we’ve been using condoms but we both hate it. She’s afraid of pills and won’t take them. Now I get nervous that I might cum inside whenever we do it raw for a bit.

Is it possible for a guy to ejaculate without realizing or was this a one time thing?

Also any suggestions or techniques I can use to pull out before ejaculation?

  1. You do know that the withdrawal method is an unreliable birth control method right? Pre-ejaculation often comes before the ejaculation.

    Maybe the two of you can research alternative birth control methods.

  2. Ejaculating does not necessarily mean climaxing and climaxing does not necessarily mean ejaculating. Simple as that. If you really consider withdrawing, at least sync it with her period/cycle.

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