As a solo f traveller or not 🙂

  1. Every single one I have been, nearly 30 now.

    I have a special place in my heart for Czechia and Germany.

  2. Oooh! I spent this summer in Europe and I have a particular fondness for France. The food is incredible, the country is beautiful, and there is so much history.

  3. Georgia, Japan and Cambodia (all of them can be safely done as a solo female traveler)

  4. Iceland was hands down, the greatest country I’ve ever been to. The scenery is beautiful, there is a great cultural landscape (icelandic music is some of my favorite; sigur ros, Múm, Bjork), the food is great, and the people are incredibly friendly and educated. Their social services are the envy of this American and they were one of the only nations to hold bankers accountable during the financial collapse that triggered the global recession.

  5. France, Ireland and the Netherlands. Those are the countries I had most fun in while feeling safe at the same time, as a young, solo girl. France is perfect no matter what (to me), but Ireland and the Netherlands I enjoyed way more with company. Not because it felt unsafe to be alone, but they have amazing landscapes, great culture and I preferred enjoying those countries with some company, it can get quite lonely otherwise.

    Shout out to Prague as well, but since that’s the only city I visited in Czech Republic I don’t feel like promoting the whole country. But Prague was amazing!

  6. Egypt is my favourite place in the world. I loved it so much I stayed there for three years.

    Scotland is second. I never expected to like it and I ended up wanting to stay there forever.

    I also really loved India. I wrote in my journal at the time that being in India was like hearing a beautiful song that brought you great joy.

    For context, I am Australian, have been to more than 20 countries and almost always solo.

  7. Cities cause can’t speak for the entire country. Not been to many.

    Bled, Slovenia was a pretty surprise. Lots of history.

    Istanbul, Turkey is amazing, just hands down – one of my favourite cities.

    Kenya, safari, beaches, nature. Not sure about as a solo female traveller though, Group maybe.

  8. I’ve been to over 20 countries and here are my top 5:

    – the Netherlands- great people, amazing culture, absolutely beautiful and rich in history. Also legal weed and psychedelics and cool art!!

    – Myanmar- nicest humans I’ve ever met. Truly. Incredible architecture, amazing landscapes. Very poor but the best humans ever.

    – Japan- literally has my heart. Again, incredible people, great food, tons of stuff to do! Super safe and literally anyone will drop everything to help you if you need it. Even if they don’t speak English well they will try!

    – Spain- AMAZING food, great weather, nice people. Lots to do and see! Just overall great vibes and some really fun clubs if you’re into that.

    – South Africa- now it is dangerous so you need to be alert but wow is this place amazing. Filled with animals, incredible views, kind people. It’s important to note their troubling background and learn from it as well. But so so much to do!!

  9. I’ve been to about 90 countries, and my favorites are rawanda in Africa, Indonesia in Asia (though I am Indonesian so take that with a grain of salt), Switzerland in Western Europe, Canada in NA, Peru in SA, Australia ig in Australia but I mean only really two options there, and Antarctica is absolutely stunning.

  10. I’m currently backpacking around Europe right now with 2 other women and so far my favorites have been Sweden and Estonia! Both are incredibly beautiful and I felt super safe in both places.

    I also really enjoyed Dubai when I went a few years ago! It was a lot of fun!

  11. I’m currently backpacking around Europe right now with 2 other women and so far my favorites have been Sweden and Estonia! Both are incredibly beautiful and I felt super safe in both places.

    I also really enjoyed Dubai when I went a few years ago! It was a lot of fun!

  12. I might be bias but until not too recently I haven’t explored my own country very much! I’m Scottish and have lived in Scotland all of my life but it wasn’t until after the pandemic I decided to go and see more of it, visit the highlands and pop over the the islands and I fell further in love with my homeland

  13. I really liked Japan. I didn’t go there by myself, but Tokyo would be one of the few cities I actually would feel safe walking through alone at night. I have a female friend who did a work and travel in Japan for a year, and she did most of her traveling alone and never had any issue. She is very tough (both mentally and physically), so I wouldn’t really worry about her in other cities either, but she also agreed that Japanese people are just very polite and mind their own business.

  14. Japan & South Korea we’re very safe places with many fun things to do and very friendly locals!!!

  15. Within Europe I ADORED Finland. Outside of Europe I’d say I loved Australia most ♥️

    My favourite place to have lived other than where I live now is Ireland for sure!

  16. Honestly, when I think about it, Spain has always been one of my favorite destinations. I’ve always had a good vacation there.

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