I (27F) only lost my virginity around a year ago. For anyone wondering, the reason why I lost it so late was due to a combination of low self esteem and social anxiety. In between losing my virginity and now, I have now had sex 16 times (17 if you include a time when I was on my period and there was no penetration). If it was up to me it would have been a lot more frequent but getting into a relationship is a real struggle these days!

Anyway, back to my question, obviously I now know the basics of sex. I’ve done all the main positions, oral, hand stuff, etc. However, because all the sex I’ve had was in hook up or fwb situations, I haven’t been doing it on a regular basis, and in turn I haven’t had the opportunity to “perfect” my skills per se. I feel like every time I have sex with a new person, even though I do know what I’m doing, and I try to be confident, they can probably tell that I’m still relatively new to the world of sex.

So my question is, what do you think makes someone “sexually inexperienced”? Is it being a virgin? Is it having done sexual things but not having gone all the way? Or is it someone like me who has had sex but just not much of it?

  1. how many partners in this single year? I dont think you qualify as not experienced as you have at least multiple. I guess the term is thrown around for “not very good at it yet” or “still learning things that are kinda expected” dont even worry about it, nobody really cares

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