Hello, I’m in need of some convincing to go to a work night out! I’m dreading it but feel like I really should make an effort because I’m new and don’t want to have to try make a lame excuse. I do drink but usually just a few casual ones with close friends. I don’t know what to talk to these people about outside of work. Does anyone have any success stories of forcing themselves to go on a night out? Thank you 🙂

  1. Yes actually! When I was younger (mid 20s) I started a new job and didn’t have many friends, so I made a rule for myself to accept every invitation even if I didn’t feel like it. I was able to make bonds with some coworkers from these nights out and it helped me to feel more comfortable being myself at work. I also ended up having a lot of fun and made some good memories from our adventures together. It was nice to have friends at work, and our connections remained after I moved away. Now it’s been several years, but I always look back on those times and those people and it makes me happy I said yes. Cheers!

  2. It’s better to show up even for one than not at all! I forced myself recently & had a really good time. I now feel part of the team more. It helped with not only fitting in but being accepted quicker. Have fun!

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