I know this is probably a weird ask. I (23F) am focused on school and building a career right now and I know I don’t want to be in a relationship right now but sometimes I listen to music and I start to feel nostalgic for that feeling of pining over someone. I work in a sports pub so there’s not really any outstanding dudes around me. Most of them are big partiers which i don’t judge them for, I just don’t find that very attractive. I was just wondering if anyone knew any places or communities where I could potentially meet a kind, intelligent man who I could catch completely one-sided feelings for?

  1. Maybe people watching in the park? I’m not sure how much closer you can get to someone without this kind of fawning actually leading to some interaction.

  2. Lmao people out here with actual broken hearts and you want to pine…

    Read poetry, like as good as Reiner Maria Rilke or Pablo Neruda. Pride and Prejudice is amazing if you have the disposition.

    Love ain’t a game. I would just experience more of the world if I was you. But if you want it to be your fantasy then look for it in good literature. You might even get some inspiration.

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