If a godly force came down and ruled you Queen of the Universe, what would be the first few things you do?

  1. I’d ask all the world leaders to kneel before me and swear loyalty. It’s important to establish authority first.

  2. Make everyone equally rich/wealthy, unify all countries (bye passport privilege !) and there’s of course an entire list cause I had played this scenario in my mind more times than I can count !

  3. Fulfill all of my dreams and wishes and those of my close family and friends like the selfish fuck I am, of course.

    Then after enjoying that for awhile, I might try to think of the rest of the world too.

    LOL downvoted for truth

  4. Wait……hold on one second here……..

    Are you trying to tell me that I’m not already Queen of the Universe?

  5. Find every orphan/homeless child a home, immediately issue new laws that require potential parents undergo testing, to prove proficiency to be parents. World population is no joke, and this miserable world doesn’t need more neglectful parents raising f*cked up kids.

  6. Ensure every species on every planet is a matriarchy. Probably take a nap after.

  7. Banish nouces, rapist, people who hurt animals to the sun.

    Better health care system for the world. Including mental health

    Have one day in the week where certain social media sites is switched off (insta, Facebook, maybe reddit, YouTube, tiktok)

    If your a billionaire/millionaire you have to do community services though the year, clean your community, help small local business (finical advices or improving there business) also a limitations on using a private jet though the year.

    Everyone gets one free travel stamp every year to fly anywhere (but you still need your passport/documents) to help families oversea reconnect once a year.

  8. Hire people who are smarter than i, who could help me to achieve:
    Overhauling the judicial system (specifically sentence lengths. Many crimes are not punished harshly enough… im looking at you rapist Brock Turner)
    Find a reasonable solution to help the homeless.
    Change tax rates and improve benefits for low-middle income earners.
    Make education free or as most affordable as possible.
    Do away with the 5 day work week. Lives are for living..not for wasting most of it slaving away at some job that doesn’t care about you.

    All idealistic, but this would be a good start.

  9. Treat every single poacher, animal abuser and child abuser to exactly what they deserve, for hours a day each day.

    Make ironclad laws protecting the rights of women and girls.

    That’s just to start

  10. first i would take the knowledge of nukes and ban it from everyone’s mind then build nuclear plants everywhere and since it would get boring fast I would make the universe work on it’s own while I’m awake. I will just be a normal school girl who likes to sing and stuff and when I sleep i would be able to change and tweak stuff to my liking but I would never know it.

  11. The first thing I am doing? Stopping the Ukrainian war and restoring Ukrainian sovereignty.

    I know someone who is going to volunteer in Ukraine and I will be the last person he sees before going back on the frontlines. Too many lives were lost because of one mad man, and I don’t want to see other people lose their lives.

  12. Request a downgrade to Queen of Earth because my anxiety could never cope with the whole universe.

  13. Production of Marvel or Star Wars movies beyond 2024 is punishable by a lifetime prison sentence. I’m being merciful. You all have 18 months to get it in.

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