Women battling PCOS, how do you deal with the uncontrolled weight and cravings?

  1. Supplements! Spearmint tea to lower testosterone, inositol to lower blood sugar. Both can help with weightloss. Working out is great too

  2. I’m not sure if this has been what’s caused my weight loss over the past three weeks but it’s the only thing I’ve added to my daily routine and I’ve lost 5 pounds.

    In the afternoon I drink 20oz of water mixed with 1scoop of lemon collagen powder mixed with 1/8 teaspoon of ginger powder, 4-5 drops of lime juice, and 4-6 mint leaves.

    I feel better, my skin has cleared up, and I have much less dark hairs popping up.

  3. Reduce carbs (bread and the like), lots of water, exercise, having someone to hold me accountable like my friend group.

    Do not starve yourself, you are going to want to chew on something, get a something that satisfy you, plan your snacks. If you want chocolate, get a little one but don’t keep a stash at home.

    Veggies and proteins are your friends, added sugar is not. And don’t skip breakfast. You will be soooo hungry by the time you have lunch you will overeat.

  4. I reduced carbs and almost all sugar.

    I’ve also don’t eat industrialized foods..

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