When men send unsolicited D pics, what kind of response are they expecting?

  1. It’s like peacocking. Trying to woo you into wanting to sleep with him. It’s the males version of spreading our feathers

  2. I imagine many are looking for positive reinforcement. Reassurance that it’s a good size, and someone will find it satisfactory.

  3. It’s a Hail Mary some guys use to immediately know where they stand sexually with that woman

  4. Dick pics are efficient. The response tells the guy immediately whether you’re going to give him what he wants or not.

  5. I think it’s more hoping than expecting… but a positive response. As in “I’d like to see that in person.”

  6. They want to see if they can get a sexual response out of a woman. I’m sure they’ve gotten it out of some; that is probably why they keep doing it. Personally, that has never crossed my mind to do something like that unless it was invited or the woman initiated that type of message first .

  7. i think a lot of them are projecting their own libido/sexual drive onto women, assuming that they’d enjoy looking at the reproductive organs of the opposite sex as much as they themselves do…which they generally don’t, at least not to the same extent.

  8. Honestly I think people who do this are just looking for any reaction. Someone responding ew gross is acknowledging they saw it, which is a net positive for the sender.

  9. So as someone associated with the dating industry I can tell you exactly what they are doing. They are trying to find women who want to sext as quickly as possibly. So they spam all the woman they can reach on the platform and obviously offend 95% of women, but they quickly find that woman (or profile of a woman) that’s like *’Oh wow, it’s so nice to see a penis’.*

    I’ve seen women do this as well (not a penis obviously), but they send it and then say something like *’Oh my gosh I picked the wrong photo I’m so sorry…’*

    Sort of playing the oh so innocent role, *how did I ever send that selfy of me with my ankles behind my head, in fact I’m not even sure when our how I took that photo?*

    Which 9 times out of 10 works.

  10. my theory: it’s a form of exhibitionism, just like that trech coat creepy flasher, but online. the reaction doesn’t matter that much, what matters is being seen.

  11. “OMG I want you inside me”


    “Holy shit you’re huge!”

    I typically just ignore or send another dick pic in response.

  12. I don’t, but obviously they expect that 1-in-10,000 response of “Nice dick, you free to fuck right now?” Women love to believe their own kind are perfect but this behavior only exists because enough women are into it to make the minimal effort worthwhile. Just like being a douchebag.

  13. Straightforward message send to as many targets as possible.
    Numbers game, if one in 20-30 will answer- worth a shot. Quicker and probably better succes rate than dating.

  14. Send a single straight man an unsolicited boob pic. The reaction he has to that is the reaction those men are hoping for from women.

  15. I here alot about how women don’t like getting dick pics, but from my experience that is the total opposite.
    And I don’t even know where this myth got started.
    Usually a dick pic gets the response that the man was looking for. And both parties understand what’s going on and can move accordingly

    Women always say they enjoy sex and are just as sexual as men. But then it’s “oh we hate seeing dicks”.
    Men definitely like seeing naked women, all parts lol

  16. My theory is kind of in connection to “we give the love we’d like to receive” so in their minds, receiving some type of nude from a woman would make them feel positively desired (which I think many men don’t feel this way often) so their brains just simply cannot fathom that somebody else wouldn’t feel the same way about receiving one. They’re trying to make the recipient feel those feelings that they think are the best.

    My second answer is that their brains are short circuiting.

  17. It’s not about someone receiving the pic it’s about them sending it. They get off on that idea, for whatever reason, can be different reasons.

  18. I look at it as aggressively homosocial, like when dudes who aren’t leery will, in the company of other men, aggressively catcall, whistle, etc., to show off for other men.

    It can be misogynistic as well, an act of sexual aggression like flashing or groping a stranger, but I think often with dick pics, it isn’t necessarily an act of deliberate aggression but an insistence that women are callous and superficial and that men compete for them… that can be misogynistic as well, but for a lot of dudes, I think it’s more them participating in a homosocial fantasy, even without other men involved (beyond the recipient’s possible partner, which is likely part of the fantasy for many of them).

    In their minds, dominant men thrive, and less dominant men are a joke. So you’ll have dudes who see themselves as having big dicks or whatever sending women pictures to ‘show them what they’re missing,’ and men insecure humiliating themselves, likely imagining women laughing at the picture.

    In either case, some of these unsolicited dick pic guys don’t give a shit about how women feel or react. It’s about perpetuating their idea of where they fit into a conceptual pack order. Again, the primary intent may be aggression toward women, but in many cases, it has little or nothing to do with women, as these dudes are obsessed with their masculine identity to the point where the women receiving their pics are a means to a compulsion.

  19. I feel like it’s kind of the same as when peacocks fluff out all of their colorful feathers. It’s putting their manhood out there to impress women into mating.

  20. I’d imagine they’re expecting a similar reaction to the one they’d give if a woman sent him a picture of their tits? It usually takes a pretty weak sense of social awareness to do it.

  21. Men mistakenly believe, at least some men do, that sexual attraction is a visual process for women the way it is for men. You show a man an erotic pic and he’s ready to go, it’s a matter of men not having a real understanding of women because we aren’t taught in school or anything about the mechanisms for attraction between the sexes. Lots of men don’t realize that if you want to turn a woman on you gotta flirt and banter not send D pics.

  22. The same thing that girls expect and look for when they post OF or ask guys for cash for a service. It’s just for sexual purposes. And not to be that guy, but I’m pretty sure you already know why they do that, seems like you are just baiting for likes and replies.

  23. It’s a modern day cat call lol. I’ve never sent a d pick tho. Even to my girlfriend. Not that I’m not proud of it but it’s a D that thing ugly and hairy

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