Guys who are close with their moms, please tell me about what it is that makes your relationship so special?

  1. Well, it could be many things, I’d say the most recent contributor is the fact that my only brother and her first born passed away tragically almost 2 years ago.

    But truth be told, I’ve always been like best friends with my mom. I know what she’s been through and I’d seen it all. I am her biggest fan.

    Couple that in with after my stepdad left, we had alot of things to bond over. We went to concerts, took a road trip for a dog, and just generally had a ton of fun.

    I’m 33 now, and I remember my mom being that age, and I see some similarities in myself to her at that time. I guess it just makes things easier.

  2. I think having a kind, loving, caring mom just makes it easy and natural. She was the primary one that raised me and certainly had the greatest impact on my emotions, so her being incredibly loving and caring makes it special, and we have a deep understanding of each other, and an emotional connection.

  3. She dipped when I was 12 we got reconnected when I was like 19. Rekindling that relationship was hard but very worth it. My childhood was wild and all I ever wanted was my mom. But circumstances weren’t letting it happen.

  4. Strong woman who always had love and guidance. Never pushed to control everything I did, but made sure when it mattered to be stern.

    If you’re a new mama then I wish you the best.

  5. I’m reminded of a saying I heard some time ago. Mothers help relieve the pain life throws at us, fathers help us endure more of it.

    Personally speaking, mom was emotional support insomuch as I could talk to her about whatever I was going through, and we’d break it down into how it affected me and how the other party/parties might have felt. I could approach her for guidance on things I’d want more than a “typical” answer to, and to learn more about individual reasoning behind actions. Mom seemed to always place an importance on morality and emotional clarity.

    This was different than dad, who typically focused on the nature of the decision itself– logic/reason vs instinct, honor vs emotion, etc. How I felt on anything was a measure of trying to figure out what to do next, but not the guiding factor.

    As with what I think would be with anyone, there were types of things I could approach mom about but not dad, and approach dad about but not mom. They were opposite ends of a spectrum but complemented each other well, both harping on balancing their views with that of their spouse whenever I’d look to them for advice.

  6. We’re a lot alike. So we talk and understand each other about a lot of things that other people don’t understand or agree with them. We’re not clones, we disagree on quite a few things, but we can talk respectfully about those things. we find it harder and harder to find people with whom we can civil and respectful discourse with. More and more people are becoming fucking rabid.

  7. She was always there to take care of me physically and mentally as I grew up so that bond is there but of course I don’t need to burden her as an adult. Now I want to return that favour as she grows old.

    Another big thing is that I’m not scared of opening up with her emotionally. That’s not something I can do with most people.

  8. My mom understood me, something my Dad still can’t do (though its really not his fault)

  9. I’m 19 and still can talk with my mum about anything, legal and illegal, weird and normal. My dad would snap instantly

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