Y’all need advice, I’m talking to this guy and he’s really sweet but there’s a bit of an age gap. He’s 18 and I’m 22 turning 23. Is that bad? I feel like a creep talking to someone 5 years younger than me but I also really like him as a person. What should I do?

He’s the same age as my little brother tho. Idk I’ve been abused and groomed before and I know I’m definitely not doing that and I’m not creepy and I just don’t want people to judge me if we do end up dating or anything

  1. He could be trying to date you as a confidence boost. Even if he’s genuine, these rarely workout because you’ll be teaching him skills and life lessons to be a competent adult, and that usually turns women off

  2. It’s fine.

    If you’re both enthusiastic consenting adults… then f*ck everyone else’s opinion.

    Go have fun and enjoy life

  3. lmao i expected to come and see, like, 22f and 36m or something.

    18m and 22f is perfectly fine

  4. Nah this is nothing lol don’t worry at all the best couple I know irl are very similar to this actually

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