*same question for gay men: what are your rules for complimenting other men?

  1. I either use the word “nice” or I’m specific.

    Basically… try to use words that everyone in the room could use and DO NOT use words that say how you personally feel about the looks (e.g. that looks sexy)

  2. I dont, unless its someone i have some sort of friendship with and they need it for their self esteem or ask for an honest opinion.

  3. There’s no rule as such but I just don’t do it. Feels totally unnecessary. Especially when it’s specified that it’s a physical factor too. Of all the things I could be doing with my limited time on earth, if it’s complimenting the physical appearance of another woman, then there’s something wrong there.

  4. Same thing I tell my five-year old: I only comment on things people can control. Haircuts, jewelry, manicures, etc.

  5. Compliment something they can control. “I love that dress”, “Wow, your hair is on point”, “Fucking dig those shoes!”, “Your tits are perfect”, etc.

  6. Keep it casual and surface level. Something like “I love your nails” or “that’s an awesome tattoo”

  7. “That’s a nice color jacket”, “I like your shoes”, “Your new haircut looks good”. Nothing I wouldn’t say to a man about his appearance.

  8. When I am on checkout line I’ll sometimes compliment the cashier, usually about a cool hair color or tattoo.

  9. I’ll only compliment clothing or hair, and in a way that’s saying to my girlfriend “Hey you should try wearing your hair like this, it might look really good on you” or something similar with clothes.

    I’d never say “oh she’s hot” or anything that’s sexually suggestive

  10. A lot of people saying “don’t”. This is stupid to me. Compliments are great, they make people feel good, they make friends, they can make peoples days or even months, especially if you happen to do so during a low time for them.

    Rules are simple. Compliment what they can control. “Nice nails”, “cool shoes”, “cool jacket” etc. Keep it short, use neutral words like “nice” or “cool” rather than “beautiful” etc. Don’t force the compliments and don’t expect anything back, such as gratitude or compliments back.

    You should be giving the compliment for the sake of the compliment, nothing else. If you find yourself giving compliments for attention, or to get them to like you, or because you might ‘like’ them, then don’t.

  11. me and my lady aint stressin over minor shit like this just dont be creepy obviously

  12. I usually try to keep it respectful and say something like “Honk honk” while staring at their chest.

  13. Seeing how everyone says compliment the dress or nails or haircut n stuff,speaking from experience,complimenting another ladies shoes or purse in front of your lady is a no no,even if it seems like no big deal on the surface,it kinda bugs your SO & it aint worth it really

  14. Don’t. Keep it simple and leave the compliments to the single guys. Just my 2 cents.

  15. There’s almost no reason to do this so I don’t. Maybe if I’m at a wedding or something I might say the bride looks pretty or if it comes up naturally between my wife and I, like if we’re watching a movie and a persons attractiveness is part of the plot or something I might comment on it but I would never just say someone is pretty for no reason. Why would I? At best my wife ignores the comment and at worst it makes her feel insecure or something. Why would I do that?

  16. I just don’t do it .I keep it simple .If my wife compliments a women on her looks I don’t say a word

  17. When I have a girlfriend, all other women turn into gray box… They become almost invisible.

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