Hello folks!

Who would you say are the most iconic or memorable female icons in the States?

I’d love to hear all types of examples – actresses, singers, activists, any kind of inspirational women that resonate deeply with Americans.

Please share your thoughts!

  1. The most iconic would probably be Marilyn Monroe. However I don’t think she’s the most beloved. That would probably be as somebody else said Dolly Parton

  2. Harriet Tubman, Dolly Parton, Judy Garland, Rosa Parks, Louisa May Alcott, Laura Ingalls Wilder.

  3. Probably Sally Ride or Christina McAuliffe for heroic icons for young women to look up to.

    Also you’ve got Marilyn Monroe for most memorable, especially mid 20th century

  4. My grandmother, and every woman who happily went to work in the factories during WWII to do her part.

  5. Until 1900, the single most important and influential woman in American is a very easy answer, [Dorothea Dix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothea_Dix), the Superintendent of Army Nurses during the Civil War. That made her the single most powerful woman ever appointed to a position of public authority in the US to that point.

    After her came [Carrie Nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_Nation) *the Hatchet Granny*, the one-woman wrecking ball of the prohibition era.

  6. The answer is Marilyn Monroe.

    There are dozens of other women that we might think of when you say “iconic women,” but that doesn’t mean we’d instantly recognize their image.

    Our culture has had a slight obsession with Marilyn Monroe since she was alive; she’s been dead for over 50 years. Marilyn’s had a huge hold on our culture for longer than any other woman has.

  7. Historical?

    Abigail Adams

    Dolly Madison

    Harriet Tubman

    Susan B Anthony

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Sojourner Truth

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Rosa Parks

    Rachel Carson

    Ida B Wells

    Helen Keller

    Amelia Earhart

    Sandra Day OConnor

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Shirley Chisholm

    Emma Goldman

    Mary Louise Alcott

    Georgia Okeaf

    Clara Barton

    Nelly Bly

    Coretta Scott King


    Silence Dogood

  8. I’m going to say Amelia Earhart since she was my idol as a little girl lol

  9. Well a lot of people are saying Dolly, so I won’t say her even I should, my second choice is Flow the Progressive girl. I just love her positivity, most of the time overly positive people give me an uncanny valley feeling but, her positivity feels genuine.

  10. I think Marilyn Monroe would fit the bill for most iconic. However, nowadays it’s hard to find someone who has any beef with Dolly Parton.

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