I (39m) have started getting blue balls recently on a regular basis. I’ve gotten blue balls in the past but really just in the typical circumstances (prolonged arousal without ejaculation). As of late, I have been getting them more and more frequently for seemingly no reason. After getting them several days in a row I have been trying to determine what the cause might be. Just like regular blue balls, I’m able to get rid of the pain by masterbation or intercourse. But the repeated occurrence without a clear cause has me somewhat baffled. My diet is relatively healthy and I’m active with normal blood pressure etc.

My only working theory: The only thing I can think of that has had a similar timeline to this experience is my daily meditation practice I picked up recently. Is it possible my sitting position has something to do with it? I’m not flexible enough for the full lotus pose so I’m typically just sitting cross-legged for 20-30 minutes with a cushion under my butt.

Sorry for the weird question but I figured I would check here and so far I haven’t seen any posts or linked resources to help unless I missed them. I’m not majorly concerned but would like to not be dealing with this on a daily basis anymore. Any advice or thoughts? Thanks in advance.

1 comment
  1. How are your hormones?

    I delt with achy balls off and on for most of my adult life until I started TRT

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