My husband (34) and I (33) don’t agree on most things. We don’t like the same food, the same activities, the same things to watch on Netflix, even the important things like what things to buy for the house, where to buy etc etc etc. He is very particular about not “wasting” time on things other than his work and studies. So if I want to get something, I have to do it by myself because he thinks we dont need it. He will basically find shortcuts that mostly involves spending more money (outsourcing or buying the costly alternative). Because I was raised particular about money, this usually infuriates me. So we argue a lot. His response to everything is now if he can’t do it his way, he won’t do it at all. It’s my problem now. Not his problem or our. I have started resenting this whole situation bcz I feel I am alone in this marriage. We are not a partnership or team. We are just doing whatever we want to do.
What are your thoughts? Is it right to always say, I ll do it my way without even trying to explain your side and trying to bring your partner on your side?

  1. I think it’s ok for y’all to do what y’all wanna so . Marriage is long and I understand there are many phases and stages to it . A period of distance may be ok.

  2. So basically, he values saving his time, and you value saving money. Would you say that’s accurate?

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