What would be your go to self defense option?

  1. Car keys. It’s not legal for me to carry anything else, and I don’t really think I want to carry a dedicated weapon.

  2. Pepper spray and kicking guys in the balls.

    I know from experience that a knife will usually get yourself hurt rather than anyone else.

  3. Pepper spray is illegal where I am but body spray to the eyes does the same thing in the moment 💁‍♀️

  4. Cigarette to the face, then run to one of three safe points on mu walk home.

    I need to buy a new thing of mace.

  5. Women please be careful commenting on this post. This seems extremely ill intended and not in good faith

  6. I was attending the proper self-defence course and I recommend it to the all woman. The brutal true is we don’t have a chance with most of men, but we can make things difficult for them and give ourselves opportunity to escape and call for help.

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