Iv’e been trying to figure this out but it’s really confusing.

The way I handle texting is this: Ill, generally speaking, read texts i get. Not neccesarily social media posts or messages, but direct whatsapp/phone number texts. I like to use the ‘unread option’ if i realize its a long text and need a reminder later.

From there, i’ll respond either: A. Very soon if its important (IE, asking to hangout or asking about something important, not just hobbies and such. Maybe I just had surgery and they’re checking up on me, its important) or B. “Soon” Which can be anywhere from 5 minutes to 5+ days. But i 99% of the time respond ‘somehow’, especially if its a question/something needing answering.

Problem is, others aren’t like that. They’ll get a text and just… Ignore it. Sometimes for days. Which hey I get, busy lives etc etc. But its annoying when i’ll send them a nudge (IE, i wanna hangout friday, i ask monday, i nudge wednesday) and its still silent. Or worse, ill ask a question and they dont answer. Like, what???

Anyway I dunno. I think the best thing may be just to be more direct, using ‘i feel’ statements even if it may make people upset still. Ultimately iv’e gotta do whats right for me and sometimes a ‘bad texter’ just doesnt work out.

Anyway… What do you all think? Thoughts, advice, telling me im horribly wrong? Any thoughts are appreciated.

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