It’s like the rhythm is always a little off about the conversations, the cues I’m giving they miss, and ye cues they give I can’t read, they read into my action what I never meant and I am just doing my best guess which if I keep to a neutral set of responses, work, but don’t really make for a great conversation.

And sometimes I genuinely feel hurt when people are not receptive to what I like and even what they like, they feel like they want to stick to a set of script (one that I feel like I know but only in patches).

On the bright side, I do have friends and occasional strangers who I have great conversations with. I just wish there was a better way to figure this out.

What is this great social script that everyone seems to know? Is there a book that I could learn this from? Or a video? Maybe some way to learn body language better?

  1. i need the answer to this too

    but i recently have been meeting new people and i just go with the mindset of talking to a friend and talking about what ever there is going on in the moment if that makes sense

  2. Just gotta talk to people more. I am decent at social cues because I’ve always been around lots of people with a big family. It just takes time and you should be able to pick up on body language clues if someone wants to stop talking or talk more. Just be considerate and listen and conversations should be simple.

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