I am a Japanese woman in Japan. I met a guy, at dating apps, who lived abroad but were planning to come to Japan several month later. For 3 months, we have been texting each other on and off, sometimes everyday, sometimes with more than 1 week interval. It was friendship with a touch of romance, as he indicated in his profile that he wanted to make many Japanese friends before coming to Japan. But toward his departure and after departure from his country, he intensely texted me day and night everyday. He texted me on his way through several transit to Japan and after arrival to Japan. He texted me telling what he will do and what he did,. But after a few days, it suddenly stopped. I hear nothing from him at all for the past few days. And, in his Instagram, I happened to see him enjoying visits to many places in Tokyo (I don’t know with whom). Japan is now in one-week holiday season. He is 26 years old and came to Japan to enter Japanese language school and lives in shared house with other young foreigners. Is he just busy exploring Tokyo with house mates or he met someone new and don’t need me anymore? I’m just wondering why suddenly intense texting stopped all of a sudden. Of course we have been talking about meeting in Japan, but even during this holiday season, there is no plan to meet up with him. By the way, I am 60 and he is 27, and I fully understand that it’s more fun to explore Tokyo with same age people than with me.

  1. He wanted to make many Japanese friends, you were the most responsive before he came, but after he came to Japan he met new people and forgot about you.

  2. No telling why he ghosted you. You may hear from him eventually, but don’t count on it. If so, you can decide then how to respond. If not, you are better off without him.

  3. It might be hard to write him off completely, but either he’s busy settling in and will contact you, or he’s moved on to younger people his age after coming in. Are you seeking closure or waiting for him to respond, either, or I believe. I mean, was this interaction purely romantic or based on friendship? if it was based on friendship, he probably felt he had no obligation to end things so abruptly.

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