Tinder. We all know about it and experimented once or twice with it. For some it’s amazing and for others like myself. It sucks, we never match with anybody because we’re swiped left and after two messages your blocked because they don’t like how you said Hi, or because they look at your profile and see a picture of you at a bar with a friend. We know the feeling of rejection and it ain’t a good feeling. But just don’t give up. Like I did, (well if it benefits you then I’m clapping for you) love is out there, maybe not for me but for you. It’s waiting. Believe in the possible to overcome the impossible. So from what I’ve said: never give up on the dream of a better life with them. Maybe I’m your love, maybe your neighbor maybe your best friend, just know it’s waiting and it’s going to be the best.

1 comment
  1. Lol bro there is literally no such thing as love men and even to a degree women these days for two connected reasons . Women have too high standards but only in terms of looks which means they will get ran through and used for sex by attractive men, and won’t settle for less attractive men who are nice. Men who arnt attractive who are good people, stand no chance lol due to the amount of options women have

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