What is it like having a male best friend?

  1. Really nice. He is the best to talk my guy-problems through with because he usually has a different perspective on things than I have. It’s great to get my own view point validated and extended at the same time.

  2. he provides a different perspective and approach for things I hadn’t thought of in a lot of my decision making

  3. I’m gay, so it’s pretty nice. Not that i think it’s different if youre straight. But I think my male friends respect my sexuality and thats an important part for me. And tbh it just feel like any female friend connection, assuming your male friend is open and comfortable with you. They’ll gossip with you, they’ll share pain and anger with you, they’ll tell you details of their life, they make the effort to sustain a caring relationship with you. Share some hobbies. I dont think a real friendship would have a difference, even if gender is different. I will say though, that most my male friends tend to balance out my emotional side if I’m facing a difficult situation. They offer perspective when needed

  4. More or less same as having a female best friend, but less catcallers and chiller night walks

  5. I’ve had my fair share of knowing girls who were problematic and dramatic. My guy best friend is none of those, he’s literally so chill and he doesn’t have a big mouth so I can tell him anything

  6. It’s great! He still does fun stuff like king and pedicures but always is there to give me different sorts of advice and perspectives. There’s never any drama either.

  7. You see being in constant competition with someone or jealousy/envy based on physical appearance ? Well, this don’t exist with them !

  8. It’s nice until they confess their feelings for you, mine told me he liked me a few times and then stopped being friends with me when I got a boyfriend

  9. I have a really hard time at making and maintaining female friendships, so mostly all the people you can say I’m the closest to are men. My best best friend is a gay guy though and its nonstop laughter!

  10. He is going to give you very straightforward solutions to your problems, never address emotional issues directly but he aint going to ignore them either, and sometimes he is going to forget you are a “woman”. Oh, and he is going to ask you for help when he has issues with his girl or he wants to get her a nice gift.

    I have had a male bfff (best friend for fuck*ng forever) for more than 20 years, we met in high school. I know about his doctor’s appointments, he knows about my fertility issues, we know about our romantic relationships. We watch “important” movies together. I know his family, he knows mine (immediate and extended families).

  11. It’s always been amazing when mine have been engaged however one that I had always got a GF who was jealous. Another would just disappear every so often for a long time and the last time this happened was when I needed a friend most and I was cold when he popped back half a year later.

  12. Wonderful. We have great conversations, he makes me laugh a lot, he officiated my wedding, etc.

  13. It kinda makes me never want to date again with the stories I hear lol

  14. I did in my early 20s. Now we live in different states but it was awesome. Could talk about anything and everything. Having a guy’s point of view is pretty cool too. He was straight but I’d often say he was the best girlfriend a girl could have lol. I don’t think I was that close to any other friend I ever had.

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