Hey everyone!! For the past year or two I’ve been struggling hard with my libido. It’s been practically non-existent and it has taken a toll in my personal relationship. Without getting too personal… my bf and I used to get it on multiple times a day at one point and it was great! We both had high sex drives and we enjoyed it for a solid 1.5 years (not to mention we were long distance)

Fast forward I moved closer to him and we spend a ton of time together. I love him and besides our sex life, our relationship is awesome! However my libido has taken a turn for the worse. I cant desire sex anymore, I get shy and uncomfortable when sexual stuff is about to happen and I feel bad!!! We’ve talked about it before and he’s very understanding. I’ve been going through some mental health struggles and a lot of stress but I miss being intimate! I know he does too. Its becoming so frustrating to me! How can I get back in the groove? Has anyone else been through this?? We’re still young in our relationship and I need advice 🙁

  1. I found this out by accident, but I started taking Wellbutrin for anxiety and adhd. No one warned me one of the possible side effects was increased libido. Not complaining, but just took me by surprise.

    If you are dealing with mental health struggles, might be worth asking your doctor about.

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