In a perfect world, what would you wish for women?

  1. Easy access to health care, abortions, birth control, and health support in general. No matter where you are or your financial status.

  2. That we could just exist safely and peacefully.

    Not having to worry about going for a walk or a run or being alone in a taxi/Uber, or having to watch our drinks.

    Not having to worry that just being polite will be taken the wrong way, not having to worry that not being “nice enough” when saying no could be dangerous.

  3. Happiness, fulfillment, opportunity, equality, equity, kindness, love, respect, autonomy, education, healthcare, mental health, confidence, self-respect, self-esteem, freedom of personal choice, safety, removal of gendered expectations and limitations, etc.

    I would wish them the same things I would wish for any human.

  4. Well if the world’s already perfect, a couple pounds of really good cherries

  5. The right to an education, and being able to read. The right to make your own money. The right to your own God damned medical autonomy.

  6. The body being able to eat infinity calories but not store them as fat if it is not desired by that person to do so.

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