We are pretty close friends, he knows that I like him, but he says that he is not interested in a relationship at the moment. But in fact it is not so, he just has some injuries in the past and that is why he says so now.

We communicate almost every day and are very open with each other. He often compliments me and says that he likes me as a person. We often flirt and so on (but for both of us it’s just a manner of communication and we behave this way with many friends).

I thought about asking him out because of his brother. His brother told me that he compliments me a lot and thinks I’m hot. And also his brother says that in my place he would fight for happiness and I have nothing to lose from this.

But I think it’s okay to invite him on a date even if he said that he was not interested in a relationship? and fight for happiness as his brother said

What do you think about it? Please share your opinion.

  1. >he says that he is not interested in a relationship at the moment.

    He’s not interested.

  2. Sorry to say but if he was interested in you, he would make a move. The fact that he said to YOU, that he doesn’t want a relationship further implies that he’s not interested.

  3. Yes, I think it’s perfectly normal for a girl to ask a guy out!

    However, this situation is a little more than that. He already knows you are interested, but has said he isn’t ready yet. At this point, it’s kind of up to him to tell you when he’s ready. Maybe ask hm something like, “Could you see us together in the future?” will help remind him you are still interested and also give him space to be ready for a relationship later on, not right this second.

  4. Ask him out, but maybe do not say the word “date”. The appetite comes while eating.

  5. It was normal in my high school and college. But outside of school environments, it doesn’t appear to be normal at all. At least where I live.

  6. You’re going to get a fwb because he said he does not want a relationship. You’re his physical type. Does not mean he wants a relationship. Save yourself the headache and go for guys who want a relationship unless u just want fwb and can handle that situationships and fwb are often harder to get over bc of all of the idealizing,hoping and daydreaming.

  7. No it is not common, but it is invited and encouraged. You like him, then speak up and ask him out on a date. Don’t be vague or give hints, just be direct and to the point.

  8. Instead of referring it as a “date”, I think it’s better if you just ask him to “hangout”. There is no problem with a lady asking a guy out, but the circumstance implies that the guy clearly doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship as of yet. So, it’s better to be safe with words even if it’s an invite. He may have gone through a terrible experience in his past relationship that caused him much heartache. If he’s ready for love, I believe his actions will speak of it.

    Yes, his brother may have shared that he constantly praises you — your beauty even — but have you thought of the idea that it would have been better if he personally compliments you? Like face to face. Just a piece of thought. You have already mentioned that you are already close friends despite knowing you like him, so protect and nurture it for now. When time comes your friendship start to blossom into something more, then it’s good. If it doesn’t, then the friendship shall remain. Play safe until you’re sure.

    Just keep in mind that you deserve a love from a heart that beats solely for you. Not necessarily 100% healed, but healed enough to be faithful to you and most specially, with no strings or feelings for a former lover. Never settle for less.

  9. It’s not normal in the sense that many women don’t ask for the first date. But there’s nothing wrong with a woman asking a guy out first, most guys would be overjoyed.

    By taking the initiative I think you’d have a better chance of him saying yes. Just make sure you call it a date and have an idea of what you want to do and when, and not just “Would you like to hang out sometime?”

  10. He’s not interested in dating you. He might find you “hot”, but that doesn’t mean much in this case since he’s explicitly expressed *to your face* he doesn’t want to date.

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