I (F, 31) would really appreciate some perspective/thoughts please on a situation thats been on my mind for a while. As I’m here for support, please be gentle. Of note, I am a (highly like) self-diagnosed lady with ASD, which I still haven’t really come to terms with so social situations have felt a bit different to me recently and I need just a different view.
I feel like I’ve grown and changed as a person a lot recently and various events with a best friend from high school, I’ve found it hard to maintain my trust in her and be a full cheerleader for her.
I am very aware of it and I don’t really want to be a “grudge holder” but whenever I lived abroad, V (F, 33) , as we’ll call her, met up with my SIL (F, 33) to be, that I had kind set-up. Afterwards, I found out that they had chatted about me from V and that SIL had made some comments about me as a person, the only one I remember of which is that I was “sensitive”, which kinda pissed me off. I had known V at this point 10+ years and it just seemed like a slap in the face to meet up (the one and only time with my SIL to be) and chat about me? She barely spoke to me when I lived abroad too as this was one country she wanted to live in and tried but ended up returning home a few weeks later.
Anyway, we’ve been on holiday twice last year with my other best friend, G (F, 31), who I have known 20+ years. I felt that there were times were V would be quite rude and derogatory towards me (for example, there was one location I was keen to go to but she snapped at me twice but yet we went to the beach three days in a row for her) but not do the same towards G. I noticed that on both holidays, we never took selfies together and she rarely sat beside me for dinner, trips etc.
Recently, she finally brought a house, which has been a dream of hers for easily ten years. Even though the purchase had been agreed for quite some time, she never showed me any picture (tbf i never asked) yet when we were all recently out at dinner, when G asked to see photos, and was sitting beside her, she went through ones from the listing and then once she had finished, put her phone back in her handbag (i was sitting opposite). For me, I felt this was a bit bizarre as I would understand social group situations where if you’re showing one person something on your phone, you show everyone and I gave her housewarming gifts and card. I have no idea why she didn’t want to show me and I took the impression she didn’t want to, I didn’t want to push. She moved in about two weeks ago and said she’s considerable renos to do but I still have no idea what her address is, which to me just seems really bizarre. I worry that she thinks I’ll be judgemental of the house she has brought or something and I’d be very sad if she did think that way. Of note, I was first in this group to get married and buy a house, not that its a competition or anything but I noticed she never really asked me for advice/thoughts on the process, which I fully get, she is not obliged to do or anything but for me, I always found it helpful to chat to someone who has often be through something like that.
Recently, she also said to me that she asked G to meet (without me) but that she hadn’t replied on Insta. Note that they’ve maybe only known each other about 1.5 year a half. I feel like, on reflection, perhaps they have personalities/world views that perhaps coincide more so than between each other but I feel like I’d be disappointed if they became closer and I guess I get the cold shoulder. Part of me does wonder if I have paranoid traits but would also have GAD and take medication for this.
I feel like she’s also been quite judgemental of my husband and his gaming habits and I’ve always gotten the impression that she doesn’t really like him.
I think overall, I haven’t really been “feeling” this friendship for maybe a 1+ year but at the same time I feel bad that its perhaps more down to me taking offence at various things but then being passive aggressive/grudge holding because I’ve never been brave enough to say anything? Is it normal for a best friend to not share their new address or photos of their new home? Do I just try my best to let things go and focus on the good?
Thank in advance.


TLDR: haven’t been feeling friendship with best friend now for maybe a year due to how she treats me and recent events but don’t know if I’m the one more at fault and if this is normal.

1 comment
  1. So you just sat here and outlined all the ways this woman has been shitty to you, and you’re trying to convince yourself that YOU are the problem…why?

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