Welp, I’m approaching 30 soon. I’ve been out of the dating scene for what feels like ages since my last girlfriend almost 2 years ago. It took me a long time to heal from that and work on myself. I’ve seen no action since and im ready to get back out there.

How do I get into this again? I don’t have any like “girl friends” really.. but I’d like to. All of my friends are mostly dudes that are spread around my hobbies like snowboarding, biking, dirtbiking.. I don’t have a tribe of people I regularly hang out with.

I like meditation and yoga and I know lots of girls are into that sort of stuff but I’m kinda shy in a way and I don’t feel comfortable trying to approach girls in those places.. I actually don’t feel comfortable approaching girls hardly at all anymore anywhere this day and age.

As far as I know I’m a likeable guy and my friends girlfriends or wives love me cause they’ve gotten the chance to know me. I notice girls checking me out sometimes but usually the second I catch them they look away immediately. Like I hardly have a chance to even smile and wave or something. Not trying to sound cocky but I’ve been approached by modeling scouts, so I must have good genes.

I’m not good at selling myself, I don’t use social media.

I read in a post somewhere which I also realized myself from experience is that girls generally do not like meeting strangers.. they’re much more comfortable meeting guys through social groups, friend groups where everyone can sort of vouch for the people associated.

I just need to figure out how to start getting more dates with girls in an organic way. Preferably away from apps. I need some sort of practice…

Anything helps thanks all 🙂

  1. I live in LA but I’m sure there’s things like this throughout the country…

    Run clubs.

    Beautiful fit women that are all very active, very fun, and very ready to flirt.

    If you hate running…this isn’t for you…

    But I’ve gotten more action from run clubs than I ever thought possible.

    Run clubs.

    Tight shorts. Sports bras. Abs. Bright smiles. Ponytails.

    Run clubs.

    Try run clubs.

    I really love run clubs…

  2. I’m interested in knowing this as well. I’m an introvert that has not used social media since Myspace. I met my wife 17 years ago, been together for 14 years, married for 6 years and she recently left me. We slowly grew apart and she told me she needed space, shortly after said she wanted a divorce and to be on her own… Not quite ready to meet people but I realized I don’t even know where to begin, advice on this topic would be awesome.

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