I think I can only post here for a few more weeks because then I’ll be 40. I’ll be banished to r/datingoverforty. Anyways, in a fit of frustration, I’ve deleted all OLD from my phone. For those who have taken a break, how long did you step away?

  1. I take a break when my gut tells me to take a break. And I go back when my gut tells me too

  2. No one has kicked me out yet.

    I took a break and it has been something like 4 years since I was consistently on the apps. I put myself back on during the pandemic and twice in a row to no real avail and I don’t really feel like sifting through the apps is a good idea for someone like me. I’m glad it works for others but it’s a really shallow and superficial place on the surface and takes a lot of time / energy I don’t really feel is worth the end result. I dunno…

  3. I’m on the apps a few weeks at a time, gathering all the matches and phone numbers before deleting. I repeat this a few times a year depending on my schedule. I’ve tried keeping a profile up for longer, but that doesn’t lead to me meeting any more attractive and interesting people, and my stress levels go up for very little payoff. I can’t imagine spending months just swiping.

  4. Couple months at a time, pretty routinely.

    Thought, to be fair, I don’t really see a difference in my dating life between “taking a break” and “swiping for an hour a day”, so…take that with a grain of salt.

  5. I take a break when all I keep getting are “I think Ill pass on this one.” Then come back when I forget that nothing has changed.

  6. I am 48 and on this sub. It is good to get different perspectives from different age groups. I took a break from online dating for three years once. Sometimes I will pause them for a few days up to a few weeks. I usually pause them while dating someone and keep them paused until I feel like I have moved on from whatever dating experience I just had. Once I am over being angry, disappointed, hopeless, and bitter I try again. Lol.

  7. Oh 30 is the age! I thought it was number of partners… whew, well it will definitely be much easier to get into the over 40 and over 50 groups than I thought😉

  8. I took a year off in 2016. Then the second date I went on off bumble we got engaged after a year, bought a house, got married, and had our first child. It can happen quickly! I think a break is healthy. I changed a ton that year and honestly I think it saved my life. Quit drinking. Quit smoking.

  9. I think it helps to change apps sometimes too. I’ve taken month to few month breaks while trying to focus on myself and meeting people in person with a recent move

  10. I took a 6 month break after the last time I got on OLD. Back at it now with a different attitude that makes it much less anxiety inducing. Specifically I’m not trying to achieve some goal as fast as possible to get off the app. It’s just there when I have time for it or feel like it.

  11. I just did the same. I find it really does help the slump and mental health.

  12. Wait, is this our age or the age of people we date? 🤔Cause I’d be neither 🤣

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