It’s really hard to know what to say or do around people that they’ll find interesting. I spend a LOT of time thinking of amusing observations or witty things to say and they never come out right. A recent example:
group of coworkers: hey
me in robot voice: greetings fellow [name of company] laboring units beep boop
them: uh, haha
me still doing robot voice: right on hell yeah fellow unit. have you performed any stimulating activities or consumed any interesting products or media in the most recent cycle. tech support is life. tech support is freedom. beep boop
them: [dead silence before they resume talking amongst themselves]

Like, I thought that was pretty hilarious personally. Not A grade material for a post maybe but pretty original for an irl conversation. This happens all the time, what am i doing wrong and how can i be interesting or funny

1 comment
  1. I find that sometimes people have trouble following along with jokes that take a moment to get to the punchline. I normally go for a comment, then a joke relating to the comment.
    “Man, Im starting to feel like a robot. (Robot voice) Tech support is life.” It helps the simpletons keep up with your comedic genius lol.

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