So for about a year I was in a long distance relationship and we met in person about 3 times, we would still talk to each other a lot and try to find things to do together and we were pretty close and cried together a few times and we genuinely had a nice relationship, since the last time I saw them I’ve moved and we are now about 500 miles apart which before we were about 80 miles apart.

we talked for a while after I moved here but they were busy and had a lot going on and I was doing a lot as well, and a few months ago we decided to not be in a relationship anymore and just be friends or something, as of now we barely talk just good morning and goodnight and an occasional life update and how are you and sometimes we say I love you.

I want to be ok with this but I really like them and I think about them way too much because it was my first relationship and also the first person that made me feel like that and helped me a lot emotionally.

I’m not sure what to do now I want to talk about it but I’m not sure what to say and I also thought about maybe just ending the relationship completely but that feels wrong and idk. I just feel like I’m overly attached.

Like I said it’s weird and complicated and kinda stupid

Long distance relationship ended and I’m still attached/interested in a relationship.
But any advice on what to do or say?

1 comment
  1. I get it. I think sometimes dating someone online feels safer, in a way. But it very rarely leads to a functional long term relationship. It’s comfortable but it breaks your heart in the long run.

    Instead of focusing on the would of and the could of with someone so far away, focus on the moment and the city you live in girlypop. You’re college age, you’re young, you got your whole life to look forward to. Theres thousands of people in your area, and surely you would have a lot in common/good chemistry with any number of them.

    Let your heart heal a bit and let yourself get over this relationship and the next time you’re ready to put yourself out there locally, look locally. I recommend hinge or bumble!

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