I (33f) reconnected with someone I know (32m) at a friend’s birthday party and we hit it off. He asked me if I still lived in a general area I did live in until a few months ago and said yes (but I ended that lease and moved back to my parents). I didn’t want to have to explain so just said yes plus I also have another apartment there that I have leased out. I honestly didn’t think it would go anywhere with him… But now we speak daily!

He asked to see my place after a week of dating which I said no to, firstly because I don’t have a place and it’s too soon anyway.

I feel terrible for this small lie because things are actually going really well. He is on holiday and we speak daily. I had to tell him I broke my lease because it was going to end while I was on holidays.

I don’t know if I’m overthinking but I feel really bad because I do genuinely like him.

Do I come clean or just leave it because it’s so early? I do plan to move back into my apartment after my trip, in a few months.

1 comment
  1. I totally understand the feeling guilty part. I would say if you normally wouldn’t be inviting him over because it’s the first week/two of dating then keep on, but it sounds like you like him alot and potentially will want him over WAY before you get your own place in few months then I think it’s worth coming clean. Definitely don’t perpetuate the lie more. I think he would respect you coming clean either way, especially if you share the reason of the white lie and your intent of moving back soon anyway. Good luck!

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