I am 26 and from now onwards, I will worry about only those things that are under my control. I won’t worry about what other people think of me or if someone leaves me without talking through a problem or whatever.
What are some things you don’t care about as you age?

  1. Birthdays, Social trends, and reaching certain milestones or hitting X goal by X age.

  2. Going out of my way to make new friends and meet new people. I’m in my mid 30s and the people who I’m still friends with at this point are my friends for life. Don’t feel the need to spend time and energy to find new ones.

  3. Main thing, being nice. I feel this can be said by anyone in a mood that doesn’t want to put up with being “happy” so others are “happy”. Sometimes, mean is important. You don’t have to be super mean. But you don’t have to be so nice that no one gets the point of the issue.

  4. My social life. Had a very active one in my 20s, and I absolutely made the most of it. Now I’m in my mid 30s, I’m just enjoying being a dad and a husband.

  5. Being judged for who I am.

    In my teenage years, I made decisions that deprived myself of happiness because I was concerned with how people saw me. I didn’t engage in my hobbies and interests as much as I would have liked to.

    Now, I don’t care. In fact, I judge adults who are judgmental of other people for doing things that aren’t hurting anyone and aren’t problematic.

  6. Other humans and the planet. I want everyone to feel the pain I feel, which is why Im an oil lobbyist.

  7. It’s cliché but the older I get the less I care about what people think of me.

    I enjoy dressing in a very particular way and I’ve always gotten shit from other guys for it, that used to make me quite upset back when I was in my early 20’s.

    Now I give less and less fucks about it.

  8. What people think of me and my interests – only wet-wipes who haven’t matured in life rag on other peoples’ interests/hobbies.

    Responding immediately to messages – we’re all busy, we can wait.

  9. Gossip and drama. I’m nearly 32 and have worked either part-time or full-time since I was 16.

    I’ve noticed throughout different roles and industries that the people who have the least going on in their lives and are the most boring, gravitate towards drama and gossip the most.

    Just let me get my head down, be a worker bee, make my money and sign off. Too old for other antics.

  10. Nasty replies on Reddit. People just seem like losers now when they post some stupid comment, rather than how it used to bother me.

  11. Appeasing others, offering relationship advice (or any advice for that matter, people do what’s in their best interest, good or bad), maintaining friendships with folks who put little effort, being the life of the party, I could go on…

  12. > I will worry about only those things that are under my control. I won’t worry about what other people think of me or if someone leaves me without talking through a problem

    Congratulations, you are now a matured man.

  13. Politics. Don’t care AT ALL. I used to be one of those cringe guys that would post conservative stuff on Facebook all the time and then 2016 happened and I realized everything was a farce and nothing mattered.

  14. women, love, sex, what people think of me, if I die or not, life in general.

  15. Opinions of others, but I’ve held that for a long time. With that being said, it took a while for me to realise not caring about the opinions of others is different to just being an asshole.

    I am unapologetically against any form of “phobia” of people, any “-ism” of any sort, etc., and I couldn’t give a damn if someone has an opinion about that. With age comes comfort in my beliefs and morals, and I become less inclined to budge on them (I am happy to debate them) to appease the opinions of others.

  16. Sport.

    I’m still interested in it, I watch a lot of it. But I’m not mad if my team (Nottingham Forest or Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club) lose.

  17. The “plight” of certain people or entire cultures who are really just making their own lives worse for themselves by following stupid and outdated traditions and belief systems. Following religions that should have stayed in the middle ages, doubling their populations every couple of decades, the abusive nature they have towards everything from how they parent to how they handle animals or their own environment. Their total irresponsibility with any given resource including money. Since when is it our or specifically *my* responsibility to worry about these people? I can’t do anything to counter that much human stupidity and any suggestions I have to maybe do something about it are just gonna be met with raging social justice backlash. A lot of under-performing cultures *and* individuals have them-fucking selves to blame for their shitty lives since they refuse to follow examples set by those who are *clearly better than them*. Ruin your lives and your children’s futures all you want. I’m no longer stopping to consider the concerns or feelings of absolute morons or entire demographics that are too pathetic to survive without leeching off those who actually have their shit together.

    I’m tired of pretending like I actually believe all people or cultures are equal and I’m tired of people assuming anything good that western society has is a result of privilege and not just us working harder, having higher social standards and level of empathy and figuring shit out better than a lot of others who *could* have what we have too if they just… stopped being the way they are. Again this applies to individual levels too. This past couple of decades of swallowing woke crap has worn me out so much. Your insecurities or inter-generational trauma or mental issues or poorly-planned family units are NOT my problem. People have shown me time and time again they’re too fucking stupid, entitled and lazy to deserve *anything* better than what they already got and if anything I often find it remarkable they even made it as far as they have. I only keep as “quiet” about it as I do because we live in a society of cancel culture over this bullshit.

  18. a lot of stuff that people worry about nowadays. Politics, the climate, the rampant consumerism, there’s a lot.

    Funny enough, any anxiety and feelings of melancholy disappeared right along with those things.

  19. Relationships. I have my friends and family, don’t need anything else.

  20. I’m 40 here’s my list:

    1. Popular music, it’s not as interesting from a music theory standpoint any more. Pirate sites then streaming basically killed the money everyone. It’s just not the same.

    2. Tictoc, I just can’t.

    3. What other people think about me. It’s just not worth worrying about other people.

  21. Don’t care about having a cool apartment no more , don’t care about drugs , can’t do em anyway or else I get sick , I literally have one fucken thing on my mind and I ain’t stopping till it happens

  22. Being under dressed. If I can’t come to your thing in short and a t-shirt, I don’t want to go.

  23. How toxic old friends feel after I cut them off, or people I have moved on from, regardless if we ended things well or not. I’m learning to not look back on those things.

  24. My enthusiasm for the third iteration of /r/place certainly isn’t there like it was for the first two

    the first one in 2017 was exciting as people were figuring out what to do with it and it was an exciting couple of days seeing how things progressed. It was the best April Fools thing reddit has ever done

    and the second one last year was a lot of fun as well, people were a bit more knowledgeable on what to do with it and it got some interesting stuff happening on it.

    But now this third iteration just feels so nakedly like the admins trying to distract from the API drama, and from what I’ve seen thus far it’s mostly the same stuff as the last two /r/place editions mixed in with some more of the API drama stuff as well, and I’m just not feeling it this time around.

  25. Video games.

    Also I wont say I don’t care at all about sports but I am a lot less into them over the last 3-4 years. I still follow my teams but I don’t know what the rest of the leagues are about anymore.

  26. I use to think it was a lot more important to be completely honest with my parents about my life plans. I stopped caring because I found it was a lot easier to just tell them exactly what they wanted to hear. My dad asks me if my wife and I are planning to have kids soon. The real answer is no. The answer he gets, “well it would be an accident, but were not doing anything to prevent it from happening.” If I told him “no” then we would probably get into a long discussion I didn’t want to have. This circumvents that discussion entirely and we can immediately move the conversation on to something else.

  27. 42M. Don’t care what others or “society” think. If I’m doing right by me and my Wife and no one is being harmed, then I’m good.

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