In Ireland there’s a strong feeling that they have too much protection from the law when it comes to commuting crimes. Such as their record is expunged when they turn 18. When they shoplift we can’t stop them from leaving or even use cctv footage as evidence. And in court they often get suspended sentences and reoffend. Even just defending yourself against them will get you charged with assaulting a minor at times. What is your thoughts on your local, state, or federal standards of treatment of youth offenders?

  1. I think that people under 18 should go through the juvenile system and people over 18 should go through the adult system. It’s a bit hypocritical to me that teens are judged too immature to do all sorts of things like vote and sign contracts; but are apparently mature enough to navigate our very complex and harsh legal system. IMO adult responsibilities should come at the same time as adult rights. That’s my stance on the issue.

  2. I think the crime is of more importance and should be weighed more heavily than the age of the offender. Do I think a 19 year old should go to jail for shoplifting? No. Do I think James Bulgers killers should have ever been set free? No.

  3. I feel like we’ve got a pretty robust system to handle youth offenders. I’ve never heard anyone complain that we’re too light on them, certainly. Though a lot of people don’t like it when children are tried as adults, which can happen.

  4. As in teen / youth crimes?

    I feel most in my area feel the same as those in your area. The punishments are too lenient and gangs use this to their advantage, but I acknowledge that crime is down this decade and, despite a few spikes here and there, crime is overall down compared to years / decades ago.

    Still youth crime is a problem, though not sure how to handle such issues.

  5. Personally, I think that underaged people that commit lighter crimes should face less harsh penalties than adults preforming the same crime, and the punishments for such crimes should be rehabilitation and learning experiences. However, I also think there are some crimes that even when preformed by those under the age of 18, there is just no justification and there is just no rehabilitation, and they should be tried as if an adult.

  6. I don’t think we are particularly easy on kids here.

    10 year old mentally ill kids have been charged as an adult.

  7. The US is notoriously harsh on convicted criminals. Yes, that includes minors and even children.

    I can’t think about it Black & White. There are so many factors involved when deciding the fate of an underaged person who has been convicted of the crime. How old are they? What’s the crime? What’s their history? What other factors are there?

    The biggest factor on deciding to lessen the charges or punishment with a minor is brain development and their ability to make decisions.

    The human brain is not fully mature until around age 25-27. I personally don’t see a difference in rational thinking between a 17-year-old or 20-year-old. Life experiences are different for sure, but the brain is similar.

    I don’t really have a sure stance. I go back and forth. On one hand, ethically I understand the US has a problem with incarceration, especially juveniles. Too many examples to name of kids; 12, 13, 14, 15 being locked away for most of their adult life… There’s a strong racial element here too that can’t be ignored. It’s an issue.

    On the other hand, if I or a loved one was the victim of a violent crime at the hands of a minor. I’d want them punished to the fullest extent. But then I generally am a vengeful person, and that’s really just my own problem.

  8. I think we need to revamp the entire juvenile system in the US as it is too harsh and there is too much of a difference in how the cops and judges treat different children.

    Children are more impulsive and we should look out for them if they need more support than what they have at home or give everyone the benefit of the doubt for first/most offenses. I got arrested at 14 and luckily the cop at the scene knew my dad, so it didn’t go beyond that since I got let off by the judge- I had good grades and my dad went with me to court. It would have been much different in other circumstances and would have likely been the start of a different life. It was me being a stupid kid and everyone should have that same chance to be viewed that way.

  9. My apartment was broken into, vandalized, and burgled by 13-and–14-year-olds whom I’d kicked out of my store for shoplifting who found out where I lived.

    We all had our youthful transgressions.

    I, for one, never threw a brick through the window at a shopkeep’s apartment to steal his possessions and vandalize his home because he had told me to stop shoplifting his store.

    This seems to be a vanishing opinion, but: age can only be so much of an excuse.

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