How long do you let your child whine after you’ve said no to something and they just won’t quit insisting?

  1. as long as it takes. if i need a break from their whining i remove myself to another room

  2. I never gave in. They learn fairly quickly whining won’t help if you’re consistent. If they whine and you eventually give in, you’ve taught them to escalate their tantrums to get what they want

  3. Not a woman but I am mostly a single father. There is a strict “you whine, you get nothing” rule in my house. My children learned how to explain or argue for something that they want. I can’t stand whining! And now that they’re older, when they hear children whine, they cringe!

  4. I didn’t put up with whining for any length of time. My children were told that when I said no, the answer was no, it would be no the next time they asked, and the time after that, as well, so there would be no need to bother me with repeated requests.

  5. I normally say “I have said no. You don’t need to ask again.” However, we’re pretty yes-sy parents, so she understands a no is a pretty hard line.

  6. One “awww!”

    That’s all he gets.

    Learning to deal with disappointment is a valuable life skill

  7. They can whine until the end of time. I said no for a good reason. I’m not changing my mind over some whining.

  8. I would tell them to put what they want on their “to get” list so if they still want it much later like when they are an adult, they can get it with the money they earn themselves and they will appreciate it so much better. It is what I did when I was told no to whatever item I was asking for when I was a kid and I was told no basically all the time.

    When I was finally able to afford my own stuff, I looked back to the list and got a fair number of the items, the others…just left them to never be purchased and it was fine. I appreciated all those things so much more than the stuff I did get with money my parents could have used on more important things (like rent, groceries, other bills, etc) so really anything I got was just riddled with guilt.

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