Hey all.

I’m part of a Moto group and already struggle with socialization. I never came out of my shell for about 2 years until I joined.

We ride often, and chat a bit too, but I constantly get this feeling that I’m different.

I’m the only person who gets called out for mistakes, I’m the only person who seems to be targeted for being young, and every time I try to attempt something project wise, none of my friends believe in me. It’s just constant “it won’t work, stop wasting your time, why would you even wanna do that??” All the time.

I feel like I’m the punching bag for constant criticism. It’s so frustrating and degrading. I’m sure I’m overlooking something, but I genuinely feel like I’m the black sheep who’s never good at anything to them.

And in the back of all of this, I can’t ever mentally empathize with how my friends think. So often I’ll have a group talking down to me in some way over something small I said or did , and I can’t help but just hate all of them. Like they don’t even care about me.

What do I do? I don’t want to leave, because there are plenty of people in the group that I dearly love being around. But I’m tired of constantly feeling like the guy in the tugboat.

  1. Looks like you got a case of shitty friends. It’s them, not you. My advice is leave the group, and if you don’t want to lose the few good friends you have, keep in contact with them, but you have no reason to stand the bullying

  2. Like the other comment says, this is more about having shitty friends than it is about you. I will say though, try to refrain from the “I think differently than everyone else” mindset; I’m sure it just came from how you’re feeling in this situation, but that mindset makes socialization 120% harder in the future if you actually own it.

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