Hi everyone. I am 26 and have had random issues with erections throughout my life but have had a satisfying sex life. 2 years ago I got some sildenafil from a friend and would usually take 20mg when having sex with new people just to be safe and I never had another issue with erections. It was amazing.

2 months ago I started dating a girl who I really care about and see myself with forever. The first few times we had sex I used sildenafil and then weened off it and was relieved to see that everything worked out. I thought I would never have to take a pill again. Out of nowhere, I have not been able to maintain an erection for the last 5 attempts. For the last 2 attempts, I even took 30mg of sildenafil, which has always worked like a charm.

I am very confident that this is psychological, but the pill was always an amazingly effective solution even when I was anxious or in my own head before. I obviously try not to think about it in the moment, but it is very difficult because even the smallest bit of adrenaline/nerves will take away my erection. Especially now that the pills haven’t worked, I am concerned this issue will linger. I can also get very erect when kissing/cuddling, but it goes away before/during sex. I have great communication with this girl and feel comfortable around her, but still the problem persists. I really like this girl and honestly can’t understand why this keeps happening after we already had great sex 10+ times to start the relationship.

\- Should I just keep trying and maybe increase the sildenafil dosage to 50mg+ and see what

happens? If that doesn’t work I would feel pretty hopeless.

\- Has anyone taken Xanax with success to cure psychological ED?

\- Maybe even a small dose of mushrooms just to reset the brain?

\- CBD? Although I read that CBD can interact with sildenafil so I’m not sure.

Of course all these thoughts would be used in conjunction with trying to relax and not think about it, but I feel like I need a little kickstart right now. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  1. Sounds like you’re nervous because you really like her. Sounds psychological. You need to relax and take the pressure off somehow

  2. Nothing wrong with using sildenafil for performance anxiety. I prefer tadalafil personally (Cialis) as you don’t need to worry about when you take it as much since it lasts so long. I react way better to tadalafil anyway.

    Xanax might acts on the same receptors as alcohol and might do more harm than good. Either way it’s a nuclear option and I wouldn’t do it personally.

    Psychedelics like mushrooms can be useful in breaking patterns of thinking, but they are not something to play with willy-nilly. There’s no guaranteed outcome from any given trip either, so don’t expect them to be magic (ha). If you do decide to try that, you need to do a TON of research on both the substance and harm reduction. A trip sitter is certainly necessary. Doesn’t have to be by your side 24/7, just nearby.

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