Hey guys,
So, my boyfriend (M) and I (F) are going through a stressful exam period right now. We just started Year 12 and have our IB exams, and they’re important for early admissions. We both have Economics, but I’m taking it at a standard level, and I’m not too fussed about it since I don’t plan on pursuing it in the future. Getting a 5 or 6 out of 7 would be totally fine for me.
My boyfriend, on the other hand, has Economics at a higher level (AP equivalent) and has been acing it all year, scoring 7/7 consistently. He wants to do Business Management and has his heart set on going to college in Singapore. But guess what?
Today he had his first Economics exam and he thinks he messed up big time on a question worth 15 marks. Now he’s super upset, and he believes he’ll only get a maximum of 6 in the subject. The worst part is- he’s right. No matter what he does now, his most recent predicted grades will say 6
His college counselor even warned him that he needed a certain predicted grade to apply to the Singapore colleges, and now he’s freaking out about not being able to make it because of that one question. I’ve been trying to comfort him and tell him that everything will be okay, but he’s taking it really hard.
I suggested he focuses on his other subjects and not get too hung up on Economics, but I want tr more to support him. Im incredibly lost and I dor know what to say or do to support him

TL;DR: how do I support my boyfriend through the stressfull exam period when we both know hes messed up. He doesnt like me smothering him right now and he just refuses to talk- even if he did, I wouldnt know what to say

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