Not sure if this belongs here but I was at a concert long story short had a random girl on my shoulders then we were walking to the next show (multiple stages) well we were talking the whole way there and it was honestly really nice well long story short she went crowd surfing and I held her stuff I told her where I’d be after then I waited and she didn’t show up and needed to leave and so I gave her stuff to lost and found and left a note with my number she texted next day and then we planned to meet up and I was asking her about it then she stopped responding it’s been a while now just wanted to talk about it sorry it’s long.

  1. Sorry that that happened to you, but know that its 100% on her and not personal, even though I understand that ghosting someone very much feels personal.

  2. I can’t count how many times that has happened. Dating is a numbers game.

  3. The drugs wore off. Only sorta joking, aha. I wouldn’t take it personally. Concerts are high energy people are trying to match and keep up with. When reality and possibly exhaustion sets in a few days later people may not have the energy to keep up/start a new friendship with essentially a stranger.

  4. happened to me as well recently. These comments helped me realise the energy of a show is much different to IRL. What’s captivating in that moment might not be interesting to people later. Still rather wish they’d be honest than ghost, but thats on them. Don’t double text tho. Save that self respect.

  5. A little off-topic but anyone else notice most of the posts now essentially boil down to, “girl won’t talk to me. What do?”

  6. Not to make this come off too personal towards you. It’s more about who she is.

    She most likely was just using you for attention, that is, until she found someone else who she found to be “better” in her mind. I don’t know you, but you’re better than tripping over a girl like that. Best to just move on man. She’ll drain you of your time and emotions. Unless you’re only looking for a good time. Then by all means chase a girl like that. To each their own, but if you’re looking for a GF or potential wife she ain’t the one.

  7. Girls have too many options when it comes to dating. You gotta skill up your texting game bro, she changed her mind.

  8. I guess girls do like push and pull, but the worst thing is that we can never make our minds up!! Don’t take it personally. It is more common than you think.

  9. She could have a boyfriend and she was just having a fun night without foul play to her partner.No offense but she got your number because you left it with lost and found along with her items. A nice person will message to say thanks, also a nice person may distant when asked about her when in a relationship. Because she doesn’t know you she doesn’t feel the need to tell you why, no offence.. you was and still are just a stranger.

  10. Don’t over think it. Could be about a million different reasons, all that have nothing to do with you.

  11. She wanted to make out / have sex. You weren’t advancing on it. She moved on.

  12. You should have ghost her man, you did a mistake and probably texted her fast and you wanted a nice date and shit, looks needy, I hate girls but my junior needs them so the best way to get them is don’t give a f about them and treat them bad, I was nice guy my whole life but after one toxic relationship, I took my lesson now I treat them bad (of course nothing really bad only like how my ex treated to me) I don’t respond for weeks then I go and give her so much attention that she can’t handle, compliments, jokes etc for 3 days and raise sexual tension then I leave again for a week or two and it works, it’s like a bug and I set dates for 3 am, they usually say they can’t blablabla and I say that’s the only date you are gonna get, usually they don’t respond first couple hours after I write that, don’t open her messages if she writes something disrespectful or something about boundaries bla bla bullshit or I am not that type of girl bla bla bla, only respond when she says ” okay ” go get her from her house and treat her like nobody has ever treated and after that day don’t text her again, never forget you are the prize so act like one

  13. With punctuation like that, I also wouldn’t want to keep the conversation going lol

  14. She changed her mind. Stop or she will start calling you a creep. You know people now days.

  15. “I held her stuff”.

    Yep. That’s where it ends.

    Sorry bro.

    Some (douche) men have a rule to never hold a girl’s stuff.

    For me, it’s more like a dating or sex thing. We have to be dating for like 2 weeks before I start holding your stuff.

    If you want to pursue this (and I don’t think you should…). You should absolutely give her shit for treating you like her Sherpa.

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