Dear Men, what kinds of voices do you like. Do super high or low pitched voices bother you?

  1. I like Ricks voice from Rick and north it makes me laugh wubba lubba dub dub haha

  2. I find high pitched voices to be generally annoying.

    Listening to women with deep voices is like having honey poured down my ears. I can do it all day.

  3. Women’s voices are like a secret key to unlock calmness.

    Doesn’t really matter, high or low

  4. All guys are different on this I think. Personally I hate high pitched. I like a little low personally. At the end of the day though…it’s just a voice. It matters more what you’re saying to me.

    I will say…there is an irrational, silly part of me who wants a woman with a really really low voice. I have quite a rarely low voice and I desire to sire a child who by the age of 12 with have the earth shaking voice of God himself.

  5. Yeah, very high pitched voices can be very off-putting. I remember when I was a kid Dr. Drew said on Loveline that some adult women with super high squeaky voices have arrested development at the point when they were sexually assaulted as kids and that really stuck with me. I know rationally it’s probably only true a small amount of the time, but yeesh.

    And yeah, some deep voices come off as masculine and make them unattractive.

  6. I may be a weeb for it. But Japanese spoken by girls is the most pleasing to my ears.

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