What are some jobs that robots *Actually* should take over?

  1. I don’t want robots taking over shit while we live in a capitalist system

    Robots are going to replace people while lining the pockets of a select few. We need to ensure that automation improves our collective quality of life, and the current reality we exist in doesn’t instill hope that this will be the case

  2. Basically anything people don’t generally want to do for a living (at least on an industrial scale), which is mostly manual labor. Farming, construction, sanitation, that kind of thing.

  3. Bio hazard clean up. Radiation detection and clean up. Bomb detection and removal.

  4. Load handling (airports, package sorting centers, warehouses).


    Vehicle control (especially the vehicles on tracks like trains, subways etc)

  5. Any job that *can* be done by a machine *should* be done by a machine. It frees up human labor for more important tasks.

  6. Probably a job not many people have heard of but rotoscoping. Roto artists trace or nowadays place tracking points to guide an algorithm to cut out actors or objects in a movie so vfx can be applied.

    It’s the most monotonous, boring job you can possibly imagine to trace hair strands or blades of grass thousands of times in a row.

  7. Someone mentioned clearing landmines and that seems great. Too many people and animals killed by them every year.

  8. 1st line IT helpdesk

    A bot can easily reset their password or ask if they tried turning it off and on again…

  9. C suite for most companies , fire the suits , let machines do their jobs instead.

  10. Ground support handlers – those fuckers that toss, steal and damage the checked baggage.

  11. Politicians. Robots will use their brain instead of their schlong to administer a territory and protect the well-being of everyone, not a selected group of nephews.

  12. All of the ones they can safely do

    There’s no point in forcing things to be done by humans that don’t have a reason to be

    Just tax high and redistribute

  13. Any dangerous job.

    Jobs like heavy manufacturing, oil rig work, mining and/or cleaning up hazardous materials.

  14. Who owns the robots performing these jobs? That’s much more relevant of a question than what can they do.

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