After a few months of dating, I said that I only wanna date people, who see a potential in us that could develop into something more real and stable as a relationship. this uncertainty makes me verrry anxious and insecure while I am getting more attached to him with all this coupley stuff we do.
He told me that he likes what we have right now and would like to try and see how things evolve. He said that he needs to make sure that he sees the light at the end of the tunnel in order to make some serious further steps, where he still has doubts, because apparently he said I won’t let myself fully go and always feels like I have some worry in my mind when we’re spending time, especially during intimate times. I said it’s exactly because of this anxiety comes from the nature of being in a situationship, where I couldn’t tell exactly if he actually likes me for the person I am or I am just a fun date while he knows that I am not the one.

So, I ended our thing when he said that to me and we decided to stay friends even if we both liked what we have so far. I just needed a bit more clarity. Do you guys think I acted too fast and should have waited to see if things actually evolve? I feel sooo bad and cry like crazy. My body’s reacting to this as an actual breakup..

  1. No bae it’s okay, I’ve been in this situation before. usually after you spend time with someone enough you know if they’re the one or not and if he didn’t know that then you guys weren’t meant to be together

  2. You have to do what’s best for you—if you weren’t ready then it’s OK to take a break from it. I’m also a super emotional person so I get that it has caused a physical reaction, you must listen to your body and try to figure out a little more about what exactly you are so scared of. Falling for anyone is always a risk because you never know what will happen in the end.

    You two still stayed friends so maybe he is open to exploring that more once you’re ready. 🥺 Good luck OP I hope you feel better. If he’s understanding and still wants to stay friends, that’s a good sign

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