There is this girl that I like. We have similar interests, and we have talked a few times. We live in different cities. Last Saturday, in between conversations, she asked if we could go on a hike sometime, and I replied that I would tell her as soon as I get time. So, yesterday morning, I told her that we should go this Saturday, but she didn’t reply. I also sent a second message this morning, but I still didn’t get any reply. I do have her number; should I call her or not? Will it seem desperate if I called?

  1. Don’t call

    When a girl asks you you say yes , saying you’ll tell her when you have time means no in her brain

    Don’t text if she want shlll reply but you don’t want to sound desperate because then, even if she comes back, your relationship is fucked

  2. This is the most sensible thread of advice I’ve seen in a long time. Just wait and see what happens. Nothing good comes from you calling. Hang tough, fingers crossed that she calls. 🤞

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