Hey guys

I’m in so much pain right now.

This guy and I have been dating for over 3 months. He was doing an exchange in my city and came back to his city 3 weeks ago. The flights between our cities are only 1.5h long. Also, he is planning to do a 6 month exchange in Australia in January but he isn’t sure yet. He also graduated and doesn’t know what to do with his life right now (I think that’s important to say).

He was very romantic the whole time. After 1 month dating, we had a little misunderstanding about a tinder notification and decided to become exclusive. He said he liked me, that I made him happier. Asked people to take romantic pictures of us many times. Told me he talked about me to his parents. Invited me to his home and said that his parents were going to love me. Posted me all over his social media. Basically acted as if we were together.

We hadn’t talked before about what we were apart from becoming exclusive, but I thought it was already a little obvious so I let it pass.

I came to his city and was in his parents house for 3 days (it was supposed to be 5). Yesterday, we were with his friends and everybody did an attachment theory test, and his answers about “current relationship” were bad. Basically he answered the questions of the quizz about “it is likely that i will date someone else within a year” and “i am committed to this relationship long term” with yes and no.

I was shocked when I saw the answers and didn’t really spoke to him on our way home. We slept in separate beds and I confronted him in the next morning. (I didn’t really sleep, I had an 8h long anxiety episode the whole time bc of the shock)

He said that he answered those questions thinking about all of the relationships he had before bc we still hadn’t had the talk about what we had. He said that long distance is hard and that he thinks he is not ready. I started packing my things to leave and go to a hostel and he could barely talk bc he was sobbing so much.

I forgot something irrelevant in his place and he is insisting on meeting me to “give it back to me”. He said I just have to tell him a place and time, and that he can go anywhere. Today is my last day on his city.

I don’t know if I should meet him again, I am in so much pain, this situation has cut me deeply.

I know this is partly my fault too for not talking about what we had openly, but I also think this was not a fair argument as he was acting like we were a couple the whole fucking time. He even said on the first day that I was in his parents house that his “mum is fantasising about grandkids already”. What the fuck?

Should I meet him before leaving or not? I’m not sure if I would be disrespecting myself if I did. I don’t want to. I also am not sure if it is fair to label him as the bad guy in my mind.

TL;DR: guy acted as if we were a couple the whole time he was in my city (3 months). Talked about me to his parents. I flied to his city (1.5h long flight) to see him and stayed at his parents house. After 3 days, we had a misunderstanding and he said long distance is hard and he is not ready. I started packing my things to go to a hostel and he was sobbing so much. I forgot something irrelevant in his place and he is insisting on giving it back to me. Should I meet him? Today is my last day on his city. I’m not sure if I would be disrespecting myself if I did. I don’t want to. I also am not sure if it is fair to label him as the bad guy in my mind.

  1. You should not see him, he is wasting your time. There is a high chance he was lovebombing you lower you guards and susceptible for manipulation. For instance, introducing you parents at a very early stage is a lovebombing tactic. He is just trying to delay the inevitable of breaking up

  2. DO NOT GO AND MEET HIM!!! I’m so sorry you went through this op you didn’t deserve any of this but if you go and meet him, he’s going to 100% try to sway you back to him, and in the current state you are, you might be tempted to.

    Please don’t blame yourself op, He is the problem. He’s switching up on you, if you continue to be with him, I promise you, this type of behavior won’t stop. “After 1 month of dating, we had a little misunderstanding about a tinder notification and decided to become exclusive.” So did y’all start dating early on or? Because it definitely sounds like y’all were exclusive before. He”s just acting dumb so he can excuse his behavior. You deserve better than this op, lose all contact with him.

    I wish you the best of luck 🤲❤️

  3. I say just meet him and tell him how you felt really and then leave. It’s totally up to you.

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