What do you usually eat and drink while watching baseball?

  1. Hot dogs, nachos, popcorn/Cracker Jack, beer, Coca-Cola, and ice cream bars are the classics. Most stadiums have a huge variety of food from sushi to BBQ to Korean tacos and there’s a bit of an arms race to have the most interesting choices.

  2. Beer, hot dogs, nachos, popcorn. Basically avoid anything that could be misconstrued as healthy.

  3. It depends, at the ballpark it is usually nachos, hotdogs, a beer and or a soda. At home, whatever I have at the house that i want

  4. Watching at home, I don’t have anything special or particular. At the ballpark I usually have a hotdog and a beer or try some of the weird food combos that ballparks tend to have.

  5. At the park? Beer and whatever the local ballpark specialty is.

    At home? Beer and chips.

  6. Down here in Rays territory, we eat Cuban sandwiches, drink Cigar City Jai Alai ale or Barriehaus Vienna Lager.

    At the stadium it’s rum & coke and a hotdog. Whatever line is shortest, really, I don’t want to miss a pitch !

  7. Last night at the ballpark I had an Italian sausage with onions and peppers while drinking beer out of a plastic baseball bat.

  8. One of the major pleasures of attending a ballgame is shelling a cello package of roasted whole peanuts one at a time, letting the shells and schmutz fall on the concrete floor, and washing the peanut meat down with gulps of cold watery light beer. I am not allowed to do this at home.

  9. If I’m at home, kabobs, if I’m going to the baseball stadium, there’s a sushi restaurant and a Greek restaurant right outside.

  10. I like to throw baseball on the TV while eating dinner, so whatever I happen to be having for dinner that day. Go Red Sox!

  11. Over 9-innings:

    * Inning 1-2: Beer
    * Inning 2-3: Beer + Hotdog/Brat (or both…)
    * Inning: 3-5: Beer
    * Inning: 5-7: Beer + Nachos
    * Inning 7-9: Beer + Cracker Jacks

  12. If I get it at the ballpark, I keep it traditional with a hot dog and Coke. I also get boiled peanuts if available. Vendors used to sell them outside Fulton County Stadium and Turner Field in the old days.

  13. I don’t watch baseball if I can help it. Like watching paint dry. Takes forever.

    But if I did, hotdogs for sure.

  14. i stopped going. i hate those games. theyre loud and overwhelming. i can watch them from the comfort of my living room with my cats instead

  15. At the ballpark- Yankee stadium has a chicken bucket that I love. Or I grab a chopped cheese from the bodega and bring it in.

    At home- nothing particular. Baseball is on every night pretty much for months so whatever I’m eating that day.

  16. If I’m at the ballpark… depends on my mood. Maybe a cheesesteak or fries or a chicken sandwich….

    If it’s dollar dog night then you know I’m eating a bunch of hot dogs.

    And a beer to drink

    If I’m at home… just whatever I normally eat

    Ballpark food as evolved by leaps and bounds over the past decade or so. Very park seems to have their own specialty foods now, but they’ll also have your traditional hot dogs, peanuts and cracker jacks

  17. Not sure I eat anything special. I have the TV on, watch for a bit, start doing things around the house, come back and watch some more etc.

  18. My go to is an ice cold beer, the sloppiest chili dog I can find and of course dippin dots (especially if they’re served in a novelty battling helmet).

  19. When I hit up a Staten Island Ferryhawks game it’s beer, a hand rolled mozzarella ball and a meatball.

  20. Chili cheese dogs, chips and nacho cheese, beer, maybe some peanuts or something

  21. When I go see the Braves play I always get a chick fil a sandwich, cause Atlanta. Plus a Coors banquet.

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