Mainly on a day to day basis. Makeup, clothes, hair, stuff like that.

  1. I love her in any state she chooses to exist. From glammed up Hollywood style aka “how did that bastard get her” mode, all the way to her self proclaimed Granny Wendy from Hook mode when she’s all disheveled in a bathrobe.

    If she’s happy, I’m happy.

  2. Overall I don’t care at all. I care for hygiene but otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. The only ones I really care about are

    -She keeps herself fit so she looks amazing naked

    -she has a decent hairstyle (mostly anything looks good, I’m talking more extremes like she doesn’t decide to go bald)

    -she doesn’t go crazy with makeup like the makeup a 5 year old would do or something

    Besides that, whatever she wants is good with me

  4. Quite a bit. I’m attracted to good looking people who try hard on their appearance. I’m not attracted to people who aren’t good looking and don’t try hard. If I love her I love her and that doesn’t change based on her appearance… but there’s not much I can do about what I’m physically attracted to.

  5. Honestly attraction is important.
    She gained quite a bit of weight and its really affecting our relationship.

    I love her and I definitely won’t leave her or even tell her that is making it quite hard for me to show her physical affection.

  6. Idgaf about makeup. Do it, don’t do it, up to her. Clothes, as long as it’s clean, all good with me – same with hair. I notice and appreciate any effort to look presentable.

    As far as caring goes, anything gothcore-esque gets a chef’s kiss.

  7. I care very much, but only as far as whether it appears that she wants and likes me, if looks mattered I would be with someone else

  8. I stay fit. I want her to be fit. She looks awesome and works out regularly.

    It also feels great to fuck and not do all the work.

  9. I need to be attracted to her appearance and personality. Since we are on the subject of appearance, I’d say it is quite important. I won’t get into specifics, but I hold myself accountable as well. I can’t expect her to look good and let myself go.

  10. One of the things that made me fall in love with my wife is that she always wants to look good, which has nothing to do with me. I care because she cares, if she takes a little longer to get ready to go out, I’m cool with that. She’s not a glamour gal or high maintenance, she just like to look good.

  11. As long as they’re happy, they can look and dress however they want

    That being said, I am mindful of dramatic shifts in appearance, and recognize that as a warning size for something bigger

    Like for example, I remember dating someone who ended up being diagnosed with burnout due to her job. I noticed moments where she wouldn’t be as put together, and also would notice her being insecure about her not being able to keep up appearances

    While I say that I don’t mind how she looks, I became more aware of how she viewed herself in these challenging moments. I could see for example, how her depression would lead her to not maintaining her usual appearance (outside of her job), which would then feed into her insecurities. This would manifest itself into then her not wanting to go out as much, or cancel social events and group plans due to her not having the energy to get herself ready for these

    At that time, I obviously understood that this was less about me viewing how my SO would maintain their appearances, and recognized there was something bigger here affecting her

  12. I’m more strongly attracted to a woman who finger combs her hair and just throws on leggings than to someone who smears smelly grease on her face and hair.

  13. It’s obviously important to some extent, but she could wear a pair of sweats and a t-shirt with no makeup and that would be totally fine with me. And I actually prefer little to no makeup because it shows who she really is and it brings out her natural beauty, but of course it’s not up to me.

  14. 3 hours before we are supposed to be somewhere I’m all about her doing her makeup and wearing nice clothes.

    But when she starts the process 20 minutes before we are supposed to be there, just wrap up in a towel I don’t care. Let’s just go

  15. I liked her face the way it was without make up with her hair in a pony tail when we met. If she wants to put in extra effort, cool, but I am happy with how she looks without the enhancements. It makes her dressing up actually noticeable and that’s way better then the reverse. Some girls rarely make a public appearence without being all done up. The day they can’t get all made up for whatever reason, they look like a train wreck because it isn’t their normal to everyone who knows them. I went years without seeing my best female friend without make up, and the time I finally saw her without it I though she had been beat up by her boyfriend or was very ill.

  16. If we’re talking just stable mood and such then it is of extreme importance to me that she looks good and by the same token I take great measures to ensure the same for her.

    If she’s just back from work and exhausted then I’m not expecting her to look grand.

    Effort, in conjunction with the scenario, matters a lot to us.

  17. We’ve been together 56 years and we’re pretty casual around each other. We’ve both had the same haircuts for the last 20 years at least. I wear nicer clothes (something beyond tees and sweats) for social occasions and she spends much more time dressing and making up than me, but I think that’s more to meet the standards of other women. For instance, she “puts on her face” to zoom with her friends. In sum, I like what she looks like nude. Anything beyond that is her choice and her taste.

  18. I just want her to keep in shape and put effort in when we go out. If we’re just hanging around the house, I really do not care.

  19. As long as my partner is happy with her own self image, that’s fine by me. Nothing beats being with someone confident and happy with the way they look.

  20. Dont care much about appearance. I dont even see it when she got a new haircut or new cloths..

    I do notice when she is annoyed though.

  21. Day to day doesn’t matter, women go wrong by gaining a ton of weight. It’s easy to do in a relationship.

  22. I care a lot. When I first started to date her, I’ve expressed how I feel about our looks as a couple. Now that we’re in a relationship, I don’t want to gain weight. She worked out before I’ve met her, and she should continue to work out after. Just like myself. I’ve broken up with a girl because she gained too much weight and she refused to change it. Call me messed up, but I want us to be healthy and live a long life.

  23. When you’re fine seeing her at the most basic and recognize it’s the same woman as the one that’s all dolled up, you stop caring. If you struggle with that, you gotta see her naked waking up.

    I’ve had flings with a cosplayer, which is basically applying the concept of makeup to the whole body, and heh. She’s a goddamn normal person.

    I would say men care more about how a woman look naturally if it goes beyond sex. The ones that care about the accessories the most are women.

  24. I don’t want her to stop taking care of herself or to start getting ugly over time, if that’s what you’re asking.

    If you’re asking if I’m anal-retentive about having her dolled up and dressed to the 9s every waking moment, nah.

  25. *”How much do you really care about your girlfriend/wife’s appearance?”*

    How much do you care about your boyfriend/husband appearance?


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