Am I the problem?

I (m27) moved with my gf (f26) (far from home) because she got accepted to med school. During this time she has accepted and taken on much volunteer work out of state. I work full time and understand we live two different lifestyles as a student vs a full time employee, but sometimes I feel like I made a mistake. Lately I feel like with all the extra things she’s taken on that she doesn’t put any time and interest into my life. We share my car and I feel like I’m constantly working my life around hers. I want to be supportive but I feel like she’s prioritizing so much into other things besides me without considering how I feel. I tried to ask her if she feels like she is uninterested in my life and she shut it down because “my brain can’t handle this conversation after my long day.” Sometimes I text her and she completely dismisses what I ask her and just ask whatever she wants like nothing happened. Also it’s extremely rare that she initiates sex even when she sees I’m sexually frustrated. Most times she’ll promise sex then be too tired later. I understand she isn’t my sex toy but it’s getting to my confidence and trust. Any advice?

Tldr: gf takes up a lot of volunteer work and I feel like I’m not getting enough attention, effort, or appreciation.

  1. Bro, she is 100% using you. Run away! Don’t settle for a woman that doesn’t respect you.

  2. You’ve accommodated her enough. She won’t change, she’ll get more involved in her studies… move back home.

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