How would your friends describe you?

  1. I’m most often described as a problem solver by friends, but I’ve also been described in the third person as formidable on more than one occasion. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but it’s not a word I’d choose for myself.

  2. “Painfully awkward and quiet, and you’ll think he hates you until you have one good conversation with him, and then he turns into the coolest guy ever from then on.”

    A literal quote I overheard from a coworker that I trained.

  3. Probably Calm, educated, tall and in good shape. And also full of myself from time to time – I’m working on it though.

  4. My best friend said I have a very colorful personality that’s very hit or miss.

    Pretty fucking accurate. Sometimes I’ll be the firecracker at your dinner party to liven things up, sometimes I’m making a scene in public and throwing things at people.

    I really am an agent of chaos.

  5. Gay (I’m straight but the shit that comes out my mouth is insane) Funny-ish, too damn nice at times…a dick

  6. that one guy, he shows up, nobody asked him to, but he did, do we like him? not really, but what’re we gonna do about it

  7. Introverted, enjoys starting chaos then dipping, masochist, probably a secret furry

  8. Stylish, neat, pragmatic, muscular, politics junkie, diehard sports fan, upfront, and mild-mannered.

  9. Depends, from which circle are you asking ? Goes with the definition of friend too.

    Colleagues say serious, curious and hard working. Not socialising much though.

    The ones playing with me at our card game shop say a very nice player that explain well things that they don’t want to be paired with (related to the decks I play).

    The ones at the bar say I’m an extrovert, having no problem getting in a group, and that I laugh a lot, often very sarcastic and humoristic.

    The ones I do sports with say I’m very determined and a put a lot of effort at what I do.

    My two best friends say I’m incredibly chill and patient. We’re playing games a lot.

    Social context is important. All the guys described are me.

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